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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Over the guaranteed undefeated National Champion that will have three top 10 wins in their last 3 games? I doubt it.
  2. I'd need a graphing calculator to determine who this is most embarrassing for.
  3. I...I'm struggling to process this. This might be the most incredible statistic I think I've ever seen.
  4. His girlfriend/wife is a trooper trying to cover it for him.
  5. Shopped. Any GOP politician worth their salt would find a way to strap a rifle to the saddle to complete the pander-to-your-dumb-shit-voters cycle.
  6. No. Fuck Georgia. That wasn't my point.
  7. How many of the 4 playoff teams would Vegas currently have Georgia favored over? 3? All? So is it always "just put the 4 best in"? Not saying they should be in the playoff after losing their essentially one game season--they shouldn't--but the argument for FSU was always how randomly the committee applies "deserved" vs. "best" based on who the school/conference is. No one anywhere was arguing the FSU was one of the 4 best teams with their high school freshman backup QBs.
  8. Well, if anyone knows how to run a confusing offense, it's Rex Ryan.
  9. Man, Baltimore sure is playing hard to honor the legend of Ray Rice.
  10. If you are immortal, I remember how much you liked your Trump accomplishment lists. So, here goes: - Record low unemployment; economy doing great - Record highs in the stock market - Record high for domestic oil production - Effectively made smoking weed legal at a federal level - Dramatically weakened Russia and embarrassed them globally without firing a shot - Actually (finally) kept our word about leaving Afghanistan, messy or otherwise Presidents are 100% responsible for these things, correct? At least that's what I learned under Trump.
  11. GlobalWarming is immortal's new handle, right? Hard to keep track. Mostly, because it's hard to give a fuck.
  12. Timothee Chalamet and Awkwafina are the same caliber of actor. The kind of scorching hot take you can only find on Surly.
  13. I don't know, I'd love to discuss whether he poops his pants or if he's kept behind locked doors, and his administration does everything. Seem like totally good faith arguments.
  14. I get it: Sack's a massive piece of crap. Either he means all the shit that he has said, or he got off on saying truly heinous things for the reaction. Not sure which is worse. And changing his handle is pretty tacit acknowledgement that he built a well-earned reputation as a bigot that he wants to escape from. While I understand the sentiment that we shouldn't let people like that hide in plain sight, what does luring him back to the fray accomplish? He's not going to get banned if he's no longer engaging in actively spreading hate and targeting certain forum members. I, for one, enjoy his lesser presence on the site.
  15. Can we stop fucking tagging people trying to lure them into discussions, so we can all pile on? That part of CR is pretty annoying and pointless. Sack, to his credit, is sober and now avoids the cloak room, as it obviously wasn't good for his mental health/sobriety. I'm sure he's still a gigantic piece of shit, but at least he's not openly sharing his particular brand of hiding-behind-religion hate on this site anymore.
  16. Eric Gordon was 7-12 from the field tonight. He was 7-12 from behind the arc. He shot zero free throws. Where do I apply for that job?
  17. Crazy that the Pistons were a basket away from starting the season 3-0. It's not like they're fielding a G-League team.
  18. As an Ass Man myself, I hereby vote to remove David from the Ass Man's clubhouse, effective immediately.
  19. Yep, there's a dude who definitely learned his lesson.
  20. I always give Booker a lot of credit for not retiring when the original picture was taken. I don't know how you ever recover from that one. It's literally the first/only thing I think about whenever I hear his name.
  21. I live about about a couple miles from it. Pretty solid. Has a hole in the wall, old-timey vibe to it (I assume designed after its namesake). Good food, not pretentious or overly fancy. Used to go somewhat regularly in a life before kids.
  22. He's trolling, right? There's no way that he sincerely chose the most famous foreign gift to our country as his example.
  23. Bummer. While completely fundamentally dishonest, the "is Memphis better without Ja" arguments were fun.
  24. Correction: 99% Republican. They'll throw in a handful of Democrat votes, so it doesn't look suspicious.
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