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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Trying to thread the needle for voters that are so racist that they might vote for you to try to seem not so racist is some tough sledding.
  2. Wait, so that picture isn't shopped? Seriously? No fucking way.
  3. Honestly, I think that's fair.
  4. Staging meltdowns isn't as funny now that 42" TVs cost, like, $59.
  5. Trying to become the first 7 seed to ever win an NFL playoff game. You can really feel the history in the air. Palpable. Like a wet fart.
  6. Not gonna lie, this thread is more enjoyable than the usual Cowboys game thread, which is approximately 87% bitching about refs.
  7. I'm sure this opinion has been shared 1000 times, but I might be okay with it if it wasn't called a truck. If it was designed, marketed, and sold as a one-of-a-kind concept car, okay sure.
  8. As a blonde dude with a blonde wife and two kids straight out of Scandinavian central casting, let he who doesn't look like the most white bred family in America when taking professional family photos throw the first stone.
  9. Also, as long as we're thinning gene pools, can we start with anyone who has ever uttered "low T beta" unironically?
  10. Did the lizard people tell you all this?
  11. I'm actually impressed that someone who thought it was a good idea to purchase a literal shit cake used the correct version of "you're"
  12. Right? Blaming Surly posters, left or right, for CR creep on this thread is disingenuous. The person most responsible for making Aaron Rodgers political is Aaron Rodgers for spending his time away from football trying out to be the next nutjob political pundit.
  13. Football coach/assistant/staffer level stupidity + company/university expensed travel away from your family + trying to present a cool image to 17 year olds Surprised we don't hear stories like this more often. Recruiting is a weird ass, kinda gross business.
  14. I'm with Snake Diggity. If 40% of people who register as Republicans vote against Trump--who has something resembling an incumbency advantage and protecting Trump is the entire GOP platform right now--it's something. At best, disgust. If nothing else, fatigue. I don't except any of the people who would prefer an R not named Trump to vote for Biden in November. But maybe they stay home.
  15. You're going to win a lot of games when you make more shots than you miss. That'll be $9.95.
  16. So, do I have this right? Pointing out the prevalence of bro culture and making fun of dudes who are grossly overcompensating in their attempts to seem masculine= political. Sneaking it your incredibly original jokes about gender identity = not political.
  17. Dude bros are getting better at comedy and...it's still really fucking dumb.
  18. This is hilarious to me. MTG is too fucking stupid to realize that almost every man in that room has a few dick pics floating around. And every single one of them dreams that, if they were ever to be made public, they'd need a black bar that big to be shown on television. Congrats on making your Republican colleagues fidget in jealously and envy of Hunter Biden.
  19. Look, Bill is obviously a great coach. But, like Pop, his "buttoned-down, no frills, team above all else, winning is a process, take less money" approach requires complete buy-in from the top down. Pop got that with Duncan; Bill got it with Brady. It was a perfect marriage of player and coach. But Tom would have been great anywhere. Not 7 Super Bowls great, but great nonetheless. Can anyone confidently say that Bill would have won a Super Bowl, much less multiple, without Brady? Almost 200 games of sub-.500 football without Tom is a pretty damn big sample size at this point. Drew Bledsoe wasn't exactly a slouch, and Bill started his Patriot career 5-13 with him before Tom was forced in, and the rest was history.
  20. With a team that went undefeated the previous season and had Randy Moss (a dude who made a career of making bad quarterbacks look capable), but missed the playoffs, lost the division to a Dolphins' team running the wildcat, and only won 3 games against teams with winning records.
  21. Me. Quitting making 8 digits a year to be the most famous, powerful person in your state when you're still very good at your job? Pretty hard to walk away from.
  22. What does she know about 3-4 defense?
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