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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Mike Malone is going to need this extra few days of rest to fix his voice.
  2. Credit where credit is due: Jackson at least owned up to his mistake.
  3. He probably thought the voting would be closer and wanted to do whatever he could to help Joel win. Like a regional writer voting on the Heisman. Because he's a putz.
  4. Ok, in order. The federal branch, unfortunately, is rather limited in education reform. I assume you weren't a fan of student loan forgiveness? That's fine. Unemployment is at record lows (if that doesn't reduce the divisiveness--and it hasn't--then nothing will). He's gone to every Republican state that's needed federal assistance and extended the olive branch, knowing full well they'll turn on him the second he leaves. How does a President "improve our fiscal/monetary system?" Is this a crypto thing? He's taken huge chunks out of the national deficit. Again, you've listed a lot of generalities and unrealistic expectations. If you're going to call someone incompetent, you need something a little more specific. I had pretty low expectations for him, but he's mostly exceeded them.
  5. He's incompetent because he hasn't been able to perform miracles. Got it. Just say that next time.
  6. That's a whole lot of platitudes. None of which address why you think Biden is "incompetent."
  7. Poole being on the blowout scrubs lineup in the desperate hope that he gets a little confidence watching a couple shots go in is a great use of $128M.
  8. Ham should have challenged the earlier obvious out of bounds call. Would have been easily reversed and could have let them cut the lead to single-digits, and some anxiety may have set in. I've never understood saving your challenge for the hypothetical last-minute, tie-game missed call. Especially when you have an obvious challenge you'll win in a potential momentum-changing moment.
  9. I think I'd rather get water-boarded for 10 months than have the hiccups for 10 months.
  10. How so? On its face, of course he's too old for office, and I wish there was someone else. ...but, what has he actually done in his first term that you've deemed to display incompetence?
  11. I think there's a pretty decent chance that they lose relatively easily in Game 6. But they came out with the energy that I expected tonight, even if it is a last gasp.
  12. 12-3 Lakers run the second I posted this. I deserve that.
  13. Stop it. LA isn't winning tonight. I thought Golden State figured some shit out in Game 4 getting a ton of easy shots, but they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn outside the paint and choked in the end. That won't happen at home. I do think LA can win Game 7 if it comes to that, but not tonight. Lakers aren't going to exert the necessary energy.
  14. A ton of young people watching CNN on a random Wednesday night. Oh man, that's funny.
  15. That was the last Boston coach, I think. I get confused.
  16. Someone has been studying up on their SEC coaches' contract incentive packages, I see.
  17. Yeah, I'm still unpacking the "Young Single Adults Sunday School Class." With the married minister. I'll let you know when I figure that part out and can move on to the rest of the post. So, like, are they directly trying to hook people up with each other there? What's the cutoff for "young"? Are you deemed unworthy once your reach 30? Did statsman meet his fiancee in the class and was this allowed to stay on as a success story?
  18. Definitely. He's the exact personality you want in that locker room instilling professionalism and work ethic and reigniting Luka's love of basketball.
  19. It bugs me that two people who apparently found proof that they're being lied to and that it may be safe outside did their cleanings the same way as the dozens of people that they saw drop dead in their suits in the past. Pretty dumb.
  20. I mean, isn't that kind of the point? Two bombs went off next to the finish line of a marathon in one of our most populous cities, and only three people died. This latest shooter could have pulled up to any park, school, shopping center, or sports arena and day of the week and had the same or greater "success." I will take my chances with these introverted losers ending up on a watchlist for searching how to construct a bomb, or buying flagged materials. Or fucking up the electronics or the timing. I get your overall point. Obviously, there's going to be evil, fucked up people in the world regardless of gun laws, and the root causes there shouldn't be ignored.* But they're generally not the kind of people with the intelligence, patience, and commitment to find other ways to kill scores of random people. They want something simple and effective. *Though, honestly, I'm not sure how. The cat's out of the bag for the internet/social media/feed your extremism outlets. Our mental health apparatus sucks, but how do you help people who don't want it and have, thus far, committed no crimes worthy of mandatory assessments.
  21. Well, that's just depressing. These guys are all scared shitless to upset a very vocal segment of their constituents. Or, more likely, the people who send them checks.
  22. Wait, wut? Are you under the impression that gun shops verify age and identity based on the credit card used? Are you serious? Is that a thing? If so, how is that a thing? You can't buy beer by giving the cashier your parent's credit card in lieu of, you know, proper legal identification. For the record, the Uvalde shooter waited until he was 18 for a reason; he had tried unsuccessfully before he was of legal age. So you're against red flag laws because of some hypothecical scenario that you've concocted in your head about some random ex-employee reporting you for literally nothing and winding up on a no-fly list for the rest of your life, no further questions asked? Is that what happens in the states that do have red flag laws? Red flag laws that would be designed specifically to keep guns out of the hands of someone like this with obvious as fuck flags: Christ, man. And you also wouldn't support proof of safe storage requirements or restrictions on 30-round magazines. That's all fine and dandy, but you at least understand the impossible uphill battle the the rest of society is facing, yes? Try to squeeze by the most minor reform, and it's "a toothless bill written by people who don't know guns that won't address any of the loopholes just for the sake of 'muh feelz'" (that still won't get passed, mind you). Anything slightly beyond that, and we're on the slippery slope where everyone's coming to your door to confescate your guns. There's no middle ground that you--and certainly not the gun lobby--will ever realistically accept. I won't post again on this thread because I respect your guys' time enough to have a place on this forum where your penis size isn't called into question by lazy drive-by posters. I also like lurking this thread because it's one of the few places where you can honestly say, "You know what, I like guns. It's a fun hobby. I participate in it legally and responsibly, so fuck off" without having to formulate some generic response about protection, hunting, or safeguards against government tyranny. But you have to at least see where some of the anger comes from.
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