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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. In my view, the over zealous evangelicals are hypocrites to pick and choose which verses to cling to for literal interpretation but not others, and plainly ignore many of the principal teachings of Christ when it comes to loving your neighbors, not judging, focus on helping others before yourself, etc. I concurrently think the other side is wrong to think these evangelicals should throw open their arms to embrace and celebrate what they (the evangelicals) believe to be sinful behavior. Should they celebrate adultery or theft too? There’s a middle ground where you can try to respect everyone, practice charity toward all, and do what you can to improve yourself while living as a good example to others. The world has enough problems without several factions hating others over a religion based on showing love to everyone. But that is just the libertarian in me that would get lightning bolted by the head of the southern baptist convention. I’m still waiting for Joel Osteen to donate his fortune to a charitable cause to avoid having to cram his golden camel ass through the eye of that needle…
  2. Texas 62 OU 24 Bijan + Worthy = 313 yards
  3. Will Rogers and Jim Thorpe seemed like good people.
  4. Down in Norman Their wife, sister, and cousin All the same person
  5. Have you never seen weird shit happen when a backup QB comes in and the opponent goes with a previously unseen game plan that causes our defense fits? See: 2021 OU when we shut them down until they pulled Rattler and went with dual threat QB who ran all over us. I didn’t say it would happen. I meant if we lose, it will be something like that.
  6. My concern isn’t scoring points. It is: 1. Random, unpredicted bullshit in the form of horseshit calls by the refs and turnovers. 2. If OU runs for 300 yards on us again and we can’t do shit about it.
  7. Remember Bomar? Sam Bradford has fucked up eyes New QB concussed
  8. Oklahoma is Cherokee for trailer trash Toothless shitheads all
  9. “Yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”
  10. Can we interest her in Stillwater or Manhattan, KS? 😆 My sister (B.S. at UT) did vet at aggy (the 8-10 longhorns in her class wore burnt orange scrubs every Friday), but came close to picking Kansas State.
  11. Spite has a price tag, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bud had a stipulation in his will that his descendants could not sell the Oilers rights to a team in Houston. Goodell and the other NFL owners could use pressure and leverage to make it happen if they were so inclined. I don’t think anyone, even Titans fans, can honestly say the world and NFL is better off without the nickname Oilers and those uniforms in Houston. Bob McNair incorrectly assumed it was better to start with a clean slate after the bad taste Adams and raccoon toupee left in Houstonians’ mouths. The McNair family’s pride makes them not want to make a change either.
  12. In that case I guess I’ll just humble myself and have my wife ask him for one of his five log on addresses
  13. I am also in biotech and have had similar experiences with companies from California and Massachusetts. They think of all Texans as aggy who majored in meat judging.
  14. My BIL from Boston logged into my tv with his YTTV account a few weeks ago and it still works, even if he and I are both watching on his login at the same time. Only downside for me is local Boston channels and he didn’t log into my iPhone or kids’ iPad 😆
  15. I assume having kids in daycare is how it got in our house three times (March 2020, Feb 2022, June 2022)
  16. My wife and I had 3 Moderna shots, then caught Delta in early February and Omicron in late June. Both times it was only slightly worse symptoms than the 2nd and 3rd vaccine (duration and intensity of headache mostly). However, I wouldn’t count on 6+ month lasting immunity from either an infection/recovery or a vaccine booster. These boosters can’t stay ahead of the mutation rate. I think I’m done with boosters until I see compelling data that is applicable to my demographic. My 3 and 5 year olds haven’t been vaccinated as my wife and I were both very side effects conscientious, and I doubt that we change our minds on that either. The unvaccinated little ones had fewer symptoms from Omicron and Delta than their triple vaccinated parents.
  17. There’s a sucker born every minute!
  18. If he sucks for a few more games then blows his knee out? Even that might not keep him from submitting his name for the draft.
  19. Thread title sounds like making excuses for the Michigan State pederast trainer.
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