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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. With aggy it’s always sawing something off…
  2. Did he forego his NIL because he would be a below average freshman? College football is professional now. If you take the money, criticism is fair game. No more hiding behind “he’s a student athlete who bleeds orange and is only a freshman!” Plenty of freshmen QBs don’t suck ass every time they get popped in the mouth.
  3. Somebody is going to have a turd taste in their mouth writing the $1m NIL check for this performance.
  4. The Yankees have to have a GM named Cash-Man, unless they can find a guy named Astrosbitchman.
  5. I have asked the question related to NFL coaches (e.g. Sean Payton), but if an executive resigns/retires, the team hires a replacement, then the coach wants to go work for another team, the previous team expects/demands compensation because the executive is “still under contract.” If that is true, wouldn’t the former team be forced to pay the executive if they just said “fuck y’all I’m back and unresign! Pay me under the terms of my contract I’m apparently still under!”?
  6. I hope he does go to NYY or LA and eats up $35-40M of their salary for ‘23 and ‘24 while Father Time proves the Astros were right to spend their money elsewhere.
  7. or use a dead guard’s body to break the fall and as a raft?
  8. And what if JV gets hurt or regresses to the average 40 year old, and then opts in to the remaining years at $35M+? I was on the fence about resigning Correa last year, probably leaning more towards signing him. I feel like I’m in the minority this time around for not wanting to resign Verlander for anything more than 1 year $30 or 2 years $50. I want Kate Upton to hang around as much as the next red blooded hetero Houstonian, but you pay for what you’ll get, not what they already gave you.
  9. I’m going to miss Luthen after he gets gutted by an Inquisitor in S1 finale or S2 premiere. The ridiculousness would almost be justified by the lulz if they had Kino surrender and be sent to the bio-experimentation facility where he was morphed into Snoke (and Snoke’s subsequent clones).
  10. They could just have this vampire guy play the younger version, who I just learned today is Skarsgard’s son IRL.
  11. Poor Smeagol can never catch a break.
  12. If Houston is going to spend >$40M/yr on someone, I’d rather they sign Judge than JV for 2023 and beyond. Both for the on field contributions and the lulz at NYY.
  13. He can just walk around sophomore camp with his WS MVP award hanging around his neck like a Flava Flav clock.
  14. It’s really early to call Jabari a bust. He’s also had some virus the past couple days and played sick last night. Before the draft we heard how Jabari was the best prospect and I had to force myself to get excited about Banchero and hope we didn’t get Chet. When everything started buzzing on draft morning about Banchero going #1 and the Rockets possibly trading up, I started getting sad about losing Banchero. Still, Jabari was supposed to be the more well rounded with higher upside, while Banchero was predicted to be good on offense out the gate with worse defense and potentially lower ceiling.
  15. What if Hebo decides to switch bandwagons and joins the 2023 Astros thread?
  16. Why are those people in orange jerseys fighting Maldonado?
  17. *a freshman who got a six figure NIL from Ohio State out of high school then got Texas to give him a seven figure NIL to transfer
  18. I hope the game turns out better than the first page of this thread.
  19. Can CBS or SEC tell Georgia to knock off that stupid bedsheet shit to keep whoever from seeing their top secret hand signals? It is distracting as hell.
  20. A circumcised, born again Cherokee, anti-vax, flat earther! It would be difficult for me to ever be Team Draymond though, even if he was playing a game of HORSE against Bin Laden and Taylor Swift.
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