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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. What’s in it for UT? • Expand geographical footprint • Expand in some academic areas • Yanks football out from aggy
  2. Sure, except when a system makes a QB prospect appear better than he is with respect to how he will translate to an NFL QB. Who was the last Ohio St. QB that was good in the NFL? Limiting it to this century, we have Troy Smith, JT Barrett, Braxton Miller, Cardale Jones, Dwayne Haskins, Justin Fields…they all mostly put up great numbers in college, and several of them were drafted high. I’d let some other team try to break the cycle unless it was a true can’t miss prospect, which IMO CJ Stroud is not.
  3. But I thought he was 2 and done so Arch only has to sit one year? Can Ewers give his NIL millions back until he plays like he deserves it so that money can go get some badass OL, DL, and LB?
  4. Boone: “Hey Dusty, heard you might have an opening at bench coach soon?”
  5. I celebrate Verlander slamming bud lights on Yankee field with Kate Upton. I know @Steel Shank would give it a 10.0
  6. “Competitive but loss” is the name of the game for the 2022 Houston Rockets (and Texans)
  7. You’re not a real fan unless you bought $4 centerfield seats in the Astrodome and talked “General Admission” into firing off the cannon before eating a half dozen dollar dome dogs.
  8. Here’s to another Cleveland loss and their draft pick currently sits at #5 overall
  9. What if the team with the worst record gets locked into the #5 or #6 pick and doesn’t participate in the lottery? Wouldn’t all the worst teams be forced to win some and avoid coming in last place?
  10. The other poster’s suggestion of a hard salary cap might help, but in this era of needing super teams to win, the only way to gather multiple all stars is to suck bad for a few years, get lucky and hit on a late lottery/first round pick, and/or overspend on a free agent. Some markets will never be able to recruit superstar free agents. The best bet to build a championship team is to tank for two, three, or four consecutive top 4 picks and hope you have some lottery ball luck and the picks aren’t busts.
  11. He’s the hero we need but not the one we deserve. Carlos is looking rough. Did Costas fart on his pillow?
  12. Have they proposed letting Torres and Donaldson wear Ruth and Gehrig’s jerseys in Game 3?
  13. Any spelling of such a child’s name is incorrect.
  14. Yordan will use spider tack instead of lube.
  15. PJ’s awareness score is about to go to zero after getting pushed into the punt returner in overtime.
  16. So they’re all a crap shoot with about a 50% hit rate?
  17. Wasn’t Lovie just a CYA because they were going to be sued by Brian Flores, who alleged that racism (rather than stupidity and incompetence) is why they’d hire Josh McCown over Flores? The Texans probably planned to tank for another year or two anyway so it didn’t matter.
  18. Keep the current coaching staff and let the players just go out and free style for 82 games?
  19. Zack Greinke celebrates Detlef Schrempf’s entire catalog.
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