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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. Considering how poorly Russian regulars have fared thus far, I wouldn't worry too much about their retarded half-brothers
  2. Surely they're just head south through Belarus and not preparing for an invasion of the Baltics, right? Right?!?
  3. That's why I'm asking about donating planes to Ukraine's military for Ukrainian personnel. Not NATO pilots over Ukraine.
  4. No one in NATO has planes Ukrainian pilots can fly?
  5. Aside from its effectiveness, I don't see the difference in providing guns, ammo, Javelins, etc. vs. planes. Why are planes the red line?
  6. I hope so. But I also hope there's an exit strategy for Ukraine's men in the east so they don't face a Fort Donelson situation.
  7. This is concerning to me. If Russia continues to make gains from Crimea and southern Ukraine, those forces could then head east and trap Ukraine's best soldiers currently in the Donbas.
  8. Whoa, whoa, slow down with all this in-depth analysis!!
  9. I'm surprised the Ukrainian Army hasn't abandoned the Donbas by now for points west.
  10. Not to mention increase the number of recruits from Poland, Lithuania, Croatia, etc.
  11. So when can the Ukrainian Air Force go Dracarys on the 40-mile-long convoy?
  12. Word. "They want to get us in. Getting out won't be quite so smart and easy." - Union private on the eve of the Battle of Fredericksburg Fuck up those Yankees Russians!!
  13. I just hope any resistance around Kiev doesn't get them surrounded, that way they can escape to the west and carry on the fight from there when need be.
  14. I'm no geography expert, but how does Moldova wind up with a tanker ship?
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