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Everything posted by BigDHornfan

  1. Angela is fucking psycho.
  2. Bourbon marinated flat irons tonight. And half a massive HEB russet and Chopped Caesar.
  3. This is amazing fucking theater and she gonna cry in the car.
  4. Here’s to all the beautiful snatch in F-L-A.
  5. Ending was better than this entire season.
  6. Who is this fucking up the anthem?
  7. This still just seems strange as fuck.
  8. For those saying it's contract related, they just signed new deals last year giving them 8 weeks vacation. 3 weeks now, and 3 weeks at the Holidays with 2 sprinkled in the rest of the year.
  9. 1st Ranger game with just me and the boy this past weekend. Got sweet tickets and he had so much fun. Even got a foul ball.
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