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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. From that article: AI mass targeting people for bombing is horrifying.
  2. It's fucking insane to me that leftists are refusing to acknowledge this simply because they don't like Biden. He adopted a ton of progressive economic policies that they championed and those policies fucking worked! More income is going to those on the lower economic rungs than we've seen in my fucking lifetime. Unions are bouncing back, even despite SCOTUS' efforts to destroy them. Workers have more bargaining power and a better labor market than they've had since the 1960s, if not even earlier. And it's pretty clear now that inflation was primarily supply-chain driven, as a lot of progressive economists argued, and now that supply chain problems have generally been worked out (with help from Biden admin policy) inflation has been beaten. This is all proof that progressive economic policies work. Yeah, shit is far from perfect. Prices for most goods won't actually come back down (absent a recession), because that's not how it works. Housing prices are still too high in most places people want to live, but that's not really something that can easily be addressed at the federal level. And healthcare costs are their own monster. But for fuck's sake, the left's position should be "look at us, we were right about this shit! Yes, there's much more to do, and we have answers for those problems too!" As recently as five years ago, the idea that we'd ever see an American labor market that was this good for workers again was unthinkable. It absolutely infuriates me how many so-called progressives are ready to throw away the progress they've made because they can't even recognize it.
  3. Actually the reason it's caused such a frenzy since day 1 is that Elon is a nazi.
  4. On the plus side, if he hasn’t already it’s probably a certainty that Icono will start doing drugs again to emulate his idol, which should be very entertaining for the rest of us.
  5. What made Kissinger unique were his political talents that allowed him to be that guy across administrations of both parties. Others may have made many of the same lethal decisions that he did, but he worked his ass off to make sure he could stay the person who got to decide which civilians to bomb when. Basically, he was the ultimate boomer at heart long before we would come to understand how selfish and destructive the actual boomers would be.
  6. Buddy, it looks like you've got 188 pages to get caught up on.
  7. @Thetexashammer now that you're back, do you have any response to this? Maybe a "oh I didn't see that, I was wrong he clearly is a nazi"? Or maybe a tortured rationale for why actually Elon wasn't saying Hitler was right just because he said that someone who was expressly explaining why they thought Hitler was right was telling "the actual truth"? Or maybe a tortured rationale for why you think a guy spouting antisemitic propaganda in support of Hitler isn't a nazi? Anything?
  8. Road Jalen vs home Jalen is the inverse of the 2023 Astros lineup.
  9. I'm generally against our carceral system and the death penalty generally. But fuck all that, I absolutely want Trump to be drawn and quartered after we've thrown his ass in an oubliette for a month that we've filled up with the worst smelling shit imaginable.
  10. Bern always posts the best links. Every time I think I'm familiar with the kookiest of the kook websites, he digs up a new one.
  11. A kids size plate carrier paired with a suit is actually the most stylish he's looked in years.
  12. Ok, actually, I could make an exception for exactly this scenario, because it sounds extremely funny.
  13. Netanyahu taking the world's most famous, wealthy, and powerful anti-Semite to tour the kibbutz that was attacked, when he won't even meet with its survivors, is so fucking gross.
  14. Gotta love the "why do they gotta make football political!?" dipshits making Thanksgiving political. People who bring up politics at family holidays should be tarred and feathered.
  15. Sure, let's look at her extensive pattern of behaving exactly like you would expect a Trump lackey whom he has paid off to behave, rather than a serious federal judge. You can't seriously think that it's "wild speculation" to think she'll delay the trial date. It's not like there's nothing to reasonably base that belief on. You seem to see it as your duty to defend her (apparently as the most laughably stupid and incompetent judge to ever sit the bench) since nobody else here will, and that's obviously up to you, but don't act as if there aren't many good reasons for intelligent people who know the legal profession (either as lawyers or more-than-casual observers) to think she's in the tank for Trump.
  16. You say that like she can’t move his trial date in the future.
  17. Since the all in podcast was mentioned in this thread:
  18. Just the one law-dog, actually.
  19. Fox News is usually on in the kitchen at our office and I just walked in to see a segment in which all those idiots that sit on the couch for their show were bitching that gen Z kids were too sheltered because they didn't want to talk politics with their family at Thanksgiving. This shit is just pure boomer brain poison.
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