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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. C-Man

    New Music 2024

    Anybody else a Rainbow Kitten Surprise fan? Looks like something new coming 3/8, which is great because the last we saw of them was them cancelling the rest of last year’s tour due to lead singer Ella having unspecified issues.
  2. Wife and I went to see her last night in Dallas. Great show. I love her. Cute as hell and sassy as fuck. Really wish she’d cover a Rilo Kiley song or two.
  3. Yeah, that sucks. Always enjoyed that place. We don't go down to Bishop Arts as much as we used to when we seemed to go nearly every weekend.
  4. Whoa! I read this so long ago I barely remember what it’s about. But I remember it was a fun ride.
  5. Blocks count as TO’s? I didn’t know that before tonight if that’s right. I’d bet quite a bit of money that Wilt had a quintuple double at some point in his career.
  6. I’m in SA for a work deal and some of us snuck out of dinner and went to the game. That was fun! Especially the dumbass Thunder fans talking all kinds of shit and then getting out when Wemby went 3-3-Chet stuff.
  7. I’m down in SA for a work deal and four of us snuck out of dinner to head over to the arena tonight. That was fucking fun as shit. Victor’s two treys and absolute stuff of Chet was beyond awesome.
  8. Fuck. This sucks. https://apple.news/AosHxFKgoRkaD_ZjlLj6qEg
  9. Great movie. I love the scene where BJ Novak tells Keaton that McDonald’s wasn’t a restaurant business but was instead a real estate business.
  10. C-Man

    Dallas | BBQ

    Let me add that the $10 ticket not only gets you in the door but also includes UNLIMITED adult beverages provided by Ben E Keith and various other local booze distributors. Most teams will be handing out samples throughout the day.
  11. Graham Harmon after finishing that “article”:
  12. Hearing the studio guys, it’s not Endo’s block that is a problem it’s that he started the play in an offsides position. They both agreed with the call. I don’t know enough to say strongly one way or the other.
  13. Hate that motherfucker more and more each day
  14. Isn’t Tapa free? I don’t pay for it. (Posting from Tapa.)
  15. Surly looks infinitely cleaner on Tapa on phones, which is why I use it. Also, as somebody said for those of use who are part of other message board communities, it helps keep all that in one place. At any rate, somehow was logged out of Surly on Tapa overnight but was still able to find it since it’s in my “Favorites” or whatever on the main Tapa page. Just logged back in like normal and it’s working again.
  16. Maybe I'm wrong but IF Trump can be saddled with a conviction of any sort before Election Day -- and yes, I know he will appeal to the last -- that might be something that a small fraction of voters can't get past. If we're looking at a razor-thin margin in the battleground states like PA, OH, MI, NV, AZ, etc it could mean the difference in November. Right?
  17. I didn't realize it was Posobiec who told the CPAC crowd "welcome to the end of democracy" yesterday. https://www.mediaite.com/trump/welcome-to-the-end-of-democracy-trump-booster-jack-posobiec-vows-to-finish-what-began-on-jan-6-as-steve-bannon-cheers-on/
  18. Mike Johnson y’all https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C3qwheePAmi/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  19. Here’s video: https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C3qlRHdPLFA/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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