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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. That whole season (10, I think) was greatness.
  2. I thought it was a pretty good start to the final season.
  3. This is funny: I'd go further and say the fact his mouth is moving means he's lying.
  4. It's all so confusing. The states CAN decide where it stands as it comes to abortion but NOT if an insurrectionist can be left off the ballot for POTUS.
  5. The Decemberists back on the road for the first time in a long, long time. Just picked up tickets for the Majestic in Dallas on 5/14. Saw them there back in 2016 or 2017 and it was a fantastic show.
  6. Never seen him live but have heard enough from friends/acquaintances who have seen him in the last 10 or so years that I’m pretty sure it will be terrible.
  7. Elmo is paying Gina Carano's legal fees in her wrongful termination lawsuit against Disney: https://deadline.com/2024/02/gina-carano-sues-disney-mandalorian-1235816821/
  8. Perhaps. The last few mins on the dredger were interesting if you can get past the idea of why they were there, why they didn't think to check it out sooner, etc. The polar bear parts are painfully bad.
  9. Man, Otter was nails last night. Good to see that after a meh, injury-riddled first half. I didn't watch much of the All-Star Game but sounds like he was really good in that too so let's hope he's rounding back into what he's been the last few seasons. His backup ain't taking us very deep in the playoffs.
  10. And then went and picked a fight with four dudes. I was entertained and mildly invested after three episodes. About 20 mins into this disaster of E4 and I was watching the clock. That was turrible.
  11. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nyc-migrants-credit-debit-cards-prepaid-240335300869
  12. No, he’s an idiot too.
  13. Watching the end of Semi-Pro and never noticed the WOAI sign on the press table during the last game against the Spurs.
  14. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve posted that GIF on this board (and others).
  15. Exactly. Putin doesn’t want to kill Tucker. He wants to honor him for all the good work he does for Mother Russia.
  16. The “final boss of incels” [emoji1787] https://www.threads.net/@shorty_ocelot/post/C259_RkNj7k/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  17. Yep. My great grandmother was born and lived in Eagle Pass her entire life until she moved into a nursing home in SA. Taught public school for her entire life. My great aunt (or might've been a cousin technically), who passed away a few years ago, ran the pecan farm/business for decades and also taught school (I think). Her kids own the land now but I think they've shuttered the pecan business as the trees were dying and needed to be replaced and I don't think it was a profitable to keep running as it once was. My great aunt would go back-and-forth all the time. Then she cut it back to going only during daylight hours to not going at all due to the cartel activity in the area.
  18. Had no idea we had such Eagle Pass representation on the board. I have close relatives own/owned a pecan farm and lived in EP for 100 years probably -- Weyrich Farm. Been to Eagle Pass dozens of times over the years.
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