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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. I will gladly trade the puppies for 2 nights of uninterrupted sleep. They have entered their "I'm going to bark really loud at everything I see or hear" stage and it is fucking horrible. Time for bark collars.
  2. This is our favorite juice bar/desayuno place in Puerto Escondido. At one point, the owner had about 8 of these monsters, now he is down to 4. He leaves them on the pirate ship at night as guard dogs.
  3. I described what this thing is. Not a word about me not expecting kung fu.
  4. meh, are these leash mandatory areas? I get just as pissed going somewhere relatively isolated and have another group park within 100 yards with their asshole/psycho dogs that they would never take out in public otherwise. If your dog is a psycho asshole barking nutjob piece of shit, don't take him anywhere except your private ranch or island.
  5. I like well made fantasy films. I fucking hate kung fu crap. This is hours of kung fu crap with some fantasy elements. Fucking Crouching Panda Dragons.
  6. Not much plant eating, but his neuroses about strangers has not gotten any better despite months of instruction/training. We're gonna leave him with some people on the island when we start traveling this week, he is a terrible car/travel dog.
  7. Taking a quick break from fighting, eating plants and vomiting
  8. this is like watching someone rape your mother, but you keep watching to see if they are gonna kill her and eat her liver too
  9. It helps when you use the actual title of the movie
  10. jesus.fucking.christ. Holding off re-reading this series until I'm old as fuck and retired.
  11. Neither of you have ever traveled with dive gear.
  12. Getting rid of the light system just gave the customs agents more freedom to harass you. Try flying into Cancun Terminal 4 by yourself with 2 large suitcases; 80% chance of getting pulled aside for a customs inspection.
  13. There are bunch of breweries/cideries/etc out towards Dripping Springs that are pet friendly.
  14. My girlfriend and her friends are in Punta Cana right now. I will post pics if they ever sober up enough to send some.
  15. I can assure you that many, many Mexican customs agents care about what you bring in to Mexico when it gives them a quick and easy mordida opportunity.
  16. You are very wrong about all of that.
  17. Ok, stop. weed is still not legal in Mexico. Different legal system. The court ruling about weed legality did not suddenly make it legal all over Mexico. THC gummies are illegal here bringing a vape into Mexico is illegal
  18. I took $100 worth of THC gummies across at the Tijuana land border last Nov. I bought a big bag of generic mixed gummie candies that had a reseable top in San Diego. Spent 30 minutes mixing all the THC gummies in it. Then hid it in my van. The customs officer in Tijuana spent about 5 seconds looking in my van and told me to drive on. Do the same, you'll probably be fine.
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