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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Fuck that. I'd rather watch a doc about being trapped in an elevator with angry cobras.
  2. I watched it and really enjoyed it. I don't give a shit what RT says. "RT" isn't saying shit, it's just an aggregate of critic reviews...and they didn't really like it. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/dont_look_up_2021/reviews?type=top_critics
  3. يرجى التفضل بإرسال رسالة خاصة إلى ديركا حول هذا الأمر المهم. إنه مثل الله في هذا الموقع.
  4. I think the Rascal gives Berman too much advantage.
  5. NBC says Kurt Warner did in the playoffs
  6. 99.9% odds the otter is more fun than the wife, or any wife.
  7. It was Will Forte and Joel McHale playing themselves. meh. I
  8. Westminster Dog Show can't stay on for more than a few minutes WhatsApp Video 2021-12-26 at 10.19.41 AM.mp4
  9. sunrise bed attack WhatsApp Video 2021-12-23 at 1.36.35 PM.mp4
  10. Probably a pissed off hall monitor Karen in the chick bathroom line
  11. And you're a fucking idiot. The producer/writer intentionally made script/casting "interpretations" based on his personal beliefs. Not exactly a big secret. There are tons of reddit threads about it. He even made a joke tweet that he would turn two of the male characters gay if people don't stop complaining about his stupid script/casting decisions.
  12. I don't understand this, or any of the other apologist praise around here. This show is pure unadulterated dogshit. Everything. Casting, acting, writing, production. Zero redeeming values. That piece of shit woke, no-talent fuckhead producer/writer Rafe needs to be dropped in a vat of boiling acid. As I predicted, it's been turned into a fucking CW teen drama with magic and super extra diversity.
  13. Sounds like our last Seattle to Whistler trip. "Hey, let's all save 30% flying SW into Seattle instead of Vancouver!".....never again. 3 hour drive to the border in a crowded minivan (rental co. only had one available) through heavy traffic and pouring rain, long border line, then finally getting within 3 miles of Whistler only to sit for 4 hours on an icy hill during a snowstorm while a jackknifed trailer accident got cleaned up.
  14. Your herring has suckers on it, might want to get that checked out.
  15. Bourdain with John Bourdain in Austin - No Reservations S08E09 - John Mueller.mp4
  16. Gonna take a wild guess that you have never been to Whistler, a.k.a th biggest and best ski resort in North America.
  17. She spends all of her time chasing pelicans and gimping her 13 year old back legs
  18. Playa Tecolote, windy as fuck today, port was closed WhatsApp Video 2021-12-15 at 2.43.03 PM.mp4
  19. Yeah, not true for all DVI connections. DVI-D carries audio.
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