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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hookem2147

  1. 2 bloop hits and getting squeezed on a walk. Ugh.
  2. We need Grubbs to fight through 2 more innings to try to save the pen some.
  3. Here comes the lefty with a 6 ERA to shut us down for 4 innings
  4. They do not have a win all season against a division 1 team who isn’t in the SWAC.
  5. We play better from behind anyway
  6. If this ship is going down, Porter Brown is going down with it.
  7. The 13-17 teams outside of maybe LSU all deserved to be left out. Was embarrassing that Florida got into the tournament at 28-27 overall.
  8. Arkansas is supposed to have the best pitching staff in the country. You would think they wouldn't need Hagen Smith against a weakish 4-seed.
  9. 8-0 lead turns into a 8-8 game for Arkansas. Even the best pitching staff in the country ain't immune to the year of the bats.
  10. ECU had no business hosting a regional.
  11. I'll take the blame for this one guys
  12. Options for Jay Johnson postgame: a) declare LSU would have won any other conference besides the SEC b) say LSU is a top 10-15 team in the country
  13. I think he considers Holman and Jump a 1a/1b type combo. They were pretty shaky after Skenes in the rotation last year, so they needed to get in the winner's bracket to minimize the games they played. I wouldn't have done it as Tulane sucked but I somewhat saw the reasoning.
  14. Grambling is the worst team in the tournament and it probably isn't close
  15. There is some irony in the two 13-17 SEC teams currently playing getting shut out by G5 schools.
  16. Grambling has two pitchers with ERA's under 5.00 and this is one of them lol.
  17. There was. And it's usually directed at the bullpen, thinking college bullpens should be stacked. Most of the time, outside of your closer and a setup man or two, there is a reason a guy is in the bullpen. A fraction of the fanbase is still stuck in the dead ball era, thinking Texas staff should be putting up 2.50 ERAs every year. Anything hovering in the low 4.00's is pretty damn good nowadays and will have you around the top 20 nationally. That gives some people a stroke who have followed Texas baseball for a long time, but that's just the way the game is nowadays. The average SEC ERA over the years: 2019- 4.13 2021- 4.41 2022- 4.56 2023- 5.09 2024- 5.01 Our staff and ERA need to improve, but expectations need to be recalibrated as well. Also, the way they are scoring games nowadays is hilarious. You get a hit for pretty much anything. A ball through the legs of Jack O'Dowd last week is scored a hit, leading to 3 'earned' runs.
  18. 6 is the magic number. We are 29-6 when scoring 6 or more.
  19. Grubbs slots in reasonably well in a non-ace role. He's having to pitch out of place on this staff and has held his own. Hopefully he sets the tone today.
  20. When you don’t have a true #1, any pitching decison has the chance to backfire. Ace hasn’t pitched well enough the last month or so to give me confidence he could beat a team like Louisiana.
  21. This was supposed to be the compromise after the 2022 season when Sean Allen was dumped and instead of a top pitching coach we got a mid 50’s volunteer JUCO coach who had never recruited a day in his life. And then we discovered a few months in “oh shit this guy who had never recruited before can’t recruit!” There is no pitching coach reshuffle coming.
  22. From Dallas. More of a 4 than a true center but is a good rebounder.
  23. Hard to envision a scenario where we win this regional without Boehm and Dre both throwing 3 days in a row unless we have Chad Hollingsworth reincarnated come down from the heavens for one of the games. Just the way it is. It's nice to have two guys you trust a lot out of the bullpen but that means they are going to have to shoulder an extremely heavy load. I have no idea where Whitehead is health-wise, but he was not in a very good spot leading up to the Big 12 tournament. I was kind of surprised they even threw him against Tech. I think the plan is for him to have surgery almost immediately after the season ends. The idea of him throwing 85 against that A&M lineup is terrifying. Would almost prefer LBJ in that spot if we are in the winner's bracket. There is a chance of a blowup outing with him, but he can also compete with that lineup if he is on.
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