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Everything posted by horn4life

  1. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    Well bounced back and forth yesterday between C-Boys, Continental and SXSJ (to lesser extent) and found one jewel among the unknowns. A band from the Netherlands called "The Vices." Played indoors opposite Tameca Jones at the SOCO stomp. Interesting use of the loops/synth with some rock n roll. I popped in the earplugs and stepped right up front, and they kicked ass. The kid leading the band showed off his guitar chops toward the end of the show and the kid could rip, even by Austin standards of quality. But he used the "less is more" on the riffs, which made them stand out more. Anyhow I saw they only play two more official shows, so you will only catch them with a wrist band. Tameca Jones was solid as always, and Michigander was good too. Weather will likely come into play today, but it's Texas and might rain for 2 minutes, so I cannot be stopped! Need to make a real plan today.
  2. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    Outside stage at C-Boys SOCO Stomp is all ages for those of you with underage kids. Only think that is sort of pissing me off is that South by San Jose, still does not have a daily artist nor time slots published that I can find. Anybody else find it somewhere?
  3. If he's really lucky, the scientists at A&M have made a breakthrough in their decades long quest to finding the answer to, "how fix stupid..."
  4. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    Love this link! Mainly as it's got an easy map to view!!! Hell I wasn't even looking to do anything today, and the list tempted me at Hotel Vegas just to go see A Giant Dog at 4 pm.
  5. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    I should have said "decent" in meaning... if you are an old fart....
  6. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    All of the South by San Jose shows are all ages shows. You might look at pairing SXSJ with one of the outdoor Auditorium Shores Shows. The Chronicle usually highlights all ages shows. I would think that the shows at Guero's might also be all ages. If nothing else waiting for an outdoor table at Hopdoddy or Guero's and just people watching would be fun with your kid. But SXSJ is likely where I could be looking at. There are usually free shows at the YETI store as well. I would also say try to go Wednesday or Thurs rather than fighting the weekend crowds, if you can work that out. Wednesday lineup at Auditorium shores is a "Steamboat 1864" tribute with a decent daytime lineup. Free all ages shows at Auditorium Shores Joe “King” Carrasco - 3 p.m. Patrice Pike & Friends - 3:45 p.m. Ian Moore - 4:30 p.m. Vallejo - 5:25 p.m. Bob Schneider - 6:30 p.m.
  7. Erwin Center was OK as a venue, but certainly not one I went to a lot after college. Only show I REALLY regret not going to was walking up at the last minute for Tom Petty his last time in town. Simply as my wife never got to see him live and I had considered it, but did not follow through, thinking... next time.... The best way to see music is in a smaller venue, and while I would have loved for my wife to see Petty at "the Drum" half the reason I did not go is that there is no way in hell he would have compared to the show I saw him play at the Austin Opry House in 1980? Highlight for Erwin Center was likely a couple of Springsteen shows.
  8. Why market to the .001 of the Surly internet demographic? Because.... it depends...
  9. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    So... Eldorado Cafe?
  10. horn4life

    SXSW 2024

    Well normally I would have a massive plan of attack to post for you guys, but I am taking care of my Dad right now, and that has thrown a big monkey wrench into things. HOWEVER!!! I give a huge thumbs up to heading to South Congress and bouncing back and forth between Continental Club, South by San Jose, and the SOCO Stomp at C-Boys. Tues - Kicking things off by heading to Continental Club for the Latinpoluzza for a show or two, then C-boys early to grub on some free crawfish and Zydeco Music at Lafayette Live Wed- gonna try to catch Jimmy Jazz's Daughter's band Die Spitz for a rare early show at the Parish, 2:20 was start time I saw. Then likely the soco drift around. Thurs- Drift around until Chuck Prophet at C-boys Fri, Early C-boys with West Texas Exiles and Tommy Stinson, Alejandro Escovedo would be great (think he's to SXSJ Saturday?) Sat, likely not much beyond early shows, and a try for English Teeth depending on the crowd. Might go see Restos at C-boys Sunday at 1 pm as the Early Sudnay shit can be good as the kids have been partied out of attending The calendars at C-Boys and Continental Club have ACCURATE times listed for the free day shows, so there's that. One "pro tip" is to cross reference with DO512.com in that you can search their site more effectively for times. They try to put up accurate times, but they are NOT always accurate. One of the best features they have is that you can click on a band name and see where else they are playing. I religiously use Do512 as a cross reference against the Austin Chron lists to narrow down the times. I also like that you can search by "start time" for the time events start. SXSJ times always seem to drift in the early day and tighten up come evening, and you generally don't know accurate times until you can take a picture of the listing at the front of the venue, unfortunately. But get out there "kids!" I call South Congress daytime the early in the week shows 'old people spring break' but nice to drift early before stuff gets too crowded to move from venue to venue easily. And toss a dollar or two into any bands tip jar, and take care of those bartenders and waitresses!!!
  11. Elvis took black music and made it white, and thus acceptable and reviled. Jackson was a child that adults took advantage off for money since nearly birth, and brought new music to the masses, with just a dash of pedophilia. The Beatles took black music and made it white and thus accepted and reviled. And Robert Johnson just intimated that the Devil made him do it,,, but he was different from the others in that he was original. Only one was truly original, the others were copy cats... Odd to say that Elvis, Jackson and the Beatles were copy cats. But if you want to give your son the honest answer? That not one of the "popular" artists mentioned did not build their careers except by emulating guys like Robert Johnson. So I would rephrase the question! Would you like to know where all that popular music originated from little FTC?
  12. One thing you have to love about W.C. besides his playing, is that he went out like a true Bluesman, playing gigs on a stool, right up to the end! A tip of the has to W.C. and the many times I got to enjoy his music, and his tutoring younger players. Our reigning Godfather of the Blues has passed. It's always a reminder to take time and go see the old guys while they are still around. A good opportunity to see these sorts of guy is the most underrated and under-attended "festival" in Austin, the Eastside Kings Festival in the Fall. I can see W.C. in my mind as a young man again, tuning his guitar getting ready to rip in Heaven... God's speed...
  13. Well here is where things stand for me now. Got mom into a memory care in Cedar park in a great facility (great as such things go), but the burn rate on that is about $6K a month. The plan I BEGGED them to do several years ago was assisted living in this same facility. The cost would be about the same as what it's costing for mom alone, had they listened to me, my sister and anyone with a brain not named Mom and Dad. It would have been much easier for me to assist them, hire help to assist them, and generally manage the situation without having to handle, not only their care but now the dissolution of their home, and all those choices will fall nearly entirely on me. My sister is willing to help, but she does not have the compassion nor willingness to make personal sacrifice like I will. My Dad noticed and was wanting to change their wills so that ultimately I would control the estate (if there is anything left). Interestingly my parents tried to "split the baby" on my parents wills, with me being the executor for my Dad, and sis for Mom. Now that Dad Ithe only competent one) has seen things shake out he realizes who really was the best choice. But I understand their decision then, not to want to appear to favor one child over the other. But Dad now understands that I will be the one to do nearly all the heavy lifting, and my Sis is there, as long as it's not too inconvenient for her. He was trying to call the attorney to make the changes, but I discouraged him from doing that, especially since he would be changing my Mom's will not his. I may get fucked in the end, but again I am the guy trying to do the "right" thing. Dad is still in pain, but I got a termpur-pedic bed delivered to my house in Austin, and moved him in with me last week. My sister was sort of amazed, as she was going to be the one to take my mom in. Instead it was the $6K (the Lord has given us a miracle) option... But I can't do anything but take him in at this point. I could opt to chalk up another 5 grand a month to not have him at my home, but I can do a better job than anyone of getting him back. Not that he will ever be 'back" completely, but functioning enough to be able to move into an independent living situation, and then move my Mom in with him. This is all in the same place my Mom is already, so praying it will work out. But damned if I am not turning out to be a hell of a nurse. Dad was/is depressed, but I have been pushing him emotionally and physically. My wife was commenting yesterday on how much better he is already doing after only 5 days here. He is now getting up and walking religiously, and just getting up and down from sitting is helping his strength a lot. Plus I weened him off completely the hydrocodone. He is gonna have pain, but the more he moves after being sedentary for nearly 2 months, he is regaining some of his mobility. A week ago, honestly I was unsure if an independent living situation would even be an option. Now I am thinking a couple more weeks with me and there is a real chance. The negative is I am about to miss my favorite time of the year, SXSW down on Congress and the other Day and weekday music I love to see. But the bright side is I am seeing progress, so hopefully my sacrifice will reap the rewards in the end. On a bright note, we turned dad onto "Ted Lasso." Which he was sure he was not going to like, before he got sucked in like everybody else. He paid me a complement to my wife the other day, he told my wife that, "Steve is my Ted Lasso." As I have tried to be a light of promise and possibility for him, when he was seeing nothing positive going forward. I am making him adapt, rather than trying to change everything to make it easier for him, and he is Adapting to the mobility and the pain. So while my life is completely compromised right now, I have great wife that understands the situation, and I can see my efforts reaping rewards. Now I just need to get him in shape enough to be able to live "independently" without my full time help. So for both of us there is a life at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it's not the light of a freight train! 😉
  14. Mofo... LIfetime warranty? Of this I did not know... I am a "is that thing at COSTCO a decent deal" type of guy. But if you have not perused your local restaurant supply place, you are missing out on fantastic deals, like aluminum sheet pans, great durable knives, low cost higher end knives, squeeze bottles, oyster knives, servings trays for the colors of parties... I could go on... I am actually starting to like the "granite" style tougher frying pans because of durability and I don't see a drop off in non-stick. We have two red enamel sauce and dutch oven cast iron that take on the sear and simmer in volume stuff. The only thing I think separates a choice in frying pans, is if you are doing a lot of oven finishing. If so a 400 degree handle would take of everything. Did I say, I would likely buy whats on sale at COSTCO? As if I hate it I can just return it... We actually bought a set of the Kirkland brand Pan set. We bought them for two of the pans, for maybe Christmas prep? But they remind me a lot of the Calphalon pans I have apparently not been wisely returning. My only complaint is that the pots have the pouring aspect I like, but the tops don't seal that well IMHO. I use a strip of foils across the pouring vent to seal if I am doing rice, for example. But... Uh... No advice... Just ramblings.... (sounds like Surly slogan of the day!)
  15. PS- when I meant 48 hour break that's on the weekend when my Sister has been covering for me. So I am getting some support. Hell I am glad I am not the one filling out the paperwork for the lease. She called me asking about Mom's Social Security card, on a fucking memory care lease? IF nothing else, this has all made me realize I need to get my own shit a lot more together for my wife and kids should I drop dead or become incapacitated. Actually mainly if my wife and I both got killed in some sort of accident. I just need a cleaner and more compete roadmap and probably need to put some other legal documents in place. So that's probably a good lesson for all of us... but me especially!
  16. Just a check in. Hell I had to go back and look at my post, to figure out the timeline of my recent existence though the fog. Well Epidural sort of worked on Dad, the was definitely some degree of reduced pain, and duration of pain. Not saying I haven't had some hairy nights over the last two weeks but more sleep and better management of meds and addition of medical style tempurpedic mattress that seems to help. Two weeks ago was 4 days in a row of appointments. Like herding cats I joke, Mom's baby steps and general curiosity have her usually in lead cat position into the car. Then a quick flip around of the car for front seat access for Dad and he makes his way in, knowing that he is gonna get a nice shock of pain trying to get in. If he is already in agony this process can be extra time consuming. I allow for a ton of extra time, and still I am sometimes barely making appointments I simply cannot miss. Add to that, that their actual fucking cat escaped on one of these loadings when I was absolutely running out of time cushion. Plus my mom wants to feed the cat from her plate which, is an ongoing issue, in more wys than one. Good news is that Dad is having a procedure putting some blocks in on the right side I think at L3-5, might be L2-5. If these work then do the other side of the spine, whenever the insurance gate opens back up. Then do radio frequency ablation, which basically sears the nerve at the point of pain reception and its good for 9-14 months. I am praying for this to give some relief and this is where the doc though we would end up. i think going into the hospital, may have actually helped speed past one step in the insurance gatekeeper course of action. So there's hope, but damn I/he need some actual tangible results. My Dad of course is bearing the emotional brunt of all this stuff coming fast. But the truth is that is only because they resisted for years, the idea of coming together and moving into independent living near us. Now it's a no choice situation at nearly twice the cash burn rate. Steep price to pay for good sunsets, and a fucking cat. Mainly it was my Dad who wanted to stay and used my mom as the excuse to "not disrupt her." I know he's gonna have some push pack if he gets relief on the house and coming down to independent living, but I ready to be bad cop is I have to if I need to if that's the case. Moving my Mom into memory care tomorrow, with the furniture coming down via my sis and her husband today. She cracked last night with Dad, arguing about the House of all fucking things. House is way down the road... but I guess fun to meaninglessly fight about. Considering I have uprooted my life and spend the past three weeks, all week doing the heavy lifting with only 48 hour reprieves has been tough. If only for me not really having enough time to emotionally recharge and all the shit I am falling behind on. The plus is I don't answer to a boss so I can take this time when I need it. I think Mom is going to do fine in memory care if she does not initially become agitated at the change. The ultimate goal however is to get them both together in independent living where he can help prompt her to do stuff, but to where he doesn't have to worry about preparing meals. That will save about $40+K a year I think. Maybe more, depending on Mom's actual level of care needed. Sure wish they had listened to me begging. I could have easily supported my Dad, gotten nursing assistance on not completely disrupted all of our lives. But.... the cat.... I do think that my coaching soccer for neatly a decade, and helping so many other young coaches learn how to coach their teams, has helped me here. You have to lead them not push them. You have to slow things down a bit, and reinforce over and over the key points you are trying to make. Not in a harsh "that's the way it is!" But in more empathetic manner, lead them down the path they need to go. Trying to mention over and over to my Mom about the change coming, but that you will be close and get to see me more! Almost like the coaching "sandwich," where you give praise, criticism, praise, to get a negative across in a positive manner. If that makes sense. Mainly just wanted to touch back and give and update and a thanks for your thoughts. One funny thing did happen I have to mention. My mom was getting evaluated by the nurse and one of the questions was, "Do you know what State you are in? Mom paused a second, and said, "The state of confusion." Damned if it wasn't a correct answer! Mainly if made me laugh.
  17. I agree with a lot, but doesn't mean that a true democracy without the Electoral college would not be a different and more modern country. I will also say that our Founding Fathers also created a government where compromise and legislation created by debate and compromise that would lead to legislation that was not perfect, but was possible. The beginning of the end of this possibility was when the GOP elected a child molester Speaker of the House. The "Hastert Rule" was implemented for the Republican party where no legislation would be brought to a vote that would allow any compromise beyond passing with ONLY Republican votes. But my point still stands. The power of the Electoral college has only grown as a means to promote minority views at the expense of the majority. It's one thing to have this as a check, when there is balance. But when you have a party in the GOP today that hasn't passed much of anything meangful in the last 20 years with only GOP votes, beyond tax cuts creating more deficit spending they system isn't working. When the Court is packed with minority appointed judges do to a changing of the rule os "principle" (if that word even applied to elected Republicans anymore) you had two appointments "stolen. But my point was really not about the founding fathers trying to protect a few colonies to get them to sign on. I am simply talking about how many trillions upon trillions of dollars could have been saved. It's a "what if" post. Simply musing about how the electoral system has truly let the country down over time as it dilutes more and more the votes of more and more of the citizenry. Hell when you look at the mess of economies that Republican Presidents have handed off and the superior economies routinely handed off by Democratic Presidents, it's just interesting to think about how very different this country might be, if Presidents were indeed majority elected. But hey if I was in the minority and always wanted to look back instead of forward I would avidly support the GOP's Minority positions. But Minority elected Presidential decisions have been particularly costly for our country and have corrupted the Supreme court in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The way the US elects Presidents does not count each vote equally, no matter how you slice it. Whether you want to call us a Democracy, a Republic or a Democratic Republic. ONLY for the Presidency are some votes worth a lot more than others depending on what state you are in. Which... dare I say it... seems like "not democratic" when the person with fewer votes wins? Or maybe I don't understand math... 😉
  18. If in America the person who got the most votes won the Presidency think of how different for example the Supreme Court argument jury might be? For example there would not have been a Republican Elected President since President George Herbert Walker Bush. Now this is not absolute and you could argue that there might have been some other Republican that could have won the popular vote. But the only Republican to get a majority of the vote that was an incumbent George W. Bush. But Bush would not have been an incumbent. So you can suppose and propose dozens of "what ifs" but the bottom line is Republicans simply do not win Presidential elections if we are a Democracy instead of a Republic. So it's easy to understand why the Republicans stacked the court when given the opportunity by hypocritically changing the longstanding traditions regarding Supreme nominations, not once, but twice. But Trump would not have been in office... because he could never win more votes than the opposing party. But when you think about the War in Iraq, and the trillions of dollars spent and the added instability that was created by a naive President who attacked a sovereign country with bad intel? When you think about healthcare, you need to understand that Obamacare was based on a plan previously endorsed by, (hold your breath) The Heritage Society. If we had democratically elected Presidents broader more affordable healthcare would have been implemented decades ago. You can also look at the Iraq War and think of whether Al Gore's administration would have paid a little bit more attention to an August Presidential Daily Briefing and perhaps 9-11 never happens? Think of the trillions of dollars that could have been spent on something else? Would we be in the same situation we are today regarding Climate Change? If we had had a President concerned with the warming of our planet who received more votes was President that the guy who sold his West Texas Oil business to Saudi Arabia interestingly enough. I could scroll out a shit ton about Trump. Hell, Jared Kushner would be a couple billion dollars lighter to start. But I'll let other folks address their musings. The Supreme Court made me think about Democracy, and how our country isn't actually one. your Thoughts
  19. Sort of just typing cathartically. Lots of pluses and some real lows of helplessness on Dad's pain. Overall I have to say that both of them are "better" in that there are periods my Dad is basically pain free, and Mom is much improved. She had a UTI, and it is quite frankly mind boggling the cognitive toll it was taking on her. I was questioning the costs between nursing home and memory care, she was so unresponsive. She's never going to be who she was, but with dementia you just have to enjoy the moment while you still have it, IMHO. I know it's only downhill for both of them, but damn I haven't been around them this much in years, and it's beautiful that they still love each other so much. They really were a good example for me. Dad was actually pain free the whole afternoon, when I came back Sunday. Then he tried to poop on their low ass toilets... and he caused the nerve to flair and fucked up his night. Next day he was in periodic pain, but also good pain free periods, and more mobility when pain free. Today was day one of 4 days of Doc appointments which all require and in and out of the car that I can't help but think is not helpful to the back pain. But now I also believe that a concern is that his aortic aneurysm has gone from 5 to 5.5 mm in the last 6 months. They expected more like .1 per year. And I just looked up "size of aortic aneurysm" and looks like they feel you need to operate at 5.5mm or above. So now I think that there is going to be a real fear of the second epidural shot, as his I think his blood pressure was like 200 over 130? Memory is so foggy now, but it was as crazy high. So the pain could actually kill him is sort of where I see the concern going. Post op appt today, vascular tomorrow (today in 10 minutes), Joint/pain Wed and Primary on Thursday. It's an ordeal to get them both fed, straightened up, and into the car with enough lead time for me not to be stressed about the getting them out of the car and to where we need to go at the hospital/clinic. But at least I hope I have a better picture of what is what. Unfortunately I got to witness basically almost two straight hours of agony tonight. No position sitting or standing could relive the pain. Basically constantly puffing in pain like giving birth, to the point of exhaustion. I finally convinced him to try to lie down as if he could ever find a spot lying down where he wasn't dying he might be able to get some rest. Just gnarly ass continual pain with even winces beyond that level. It was tough to watch, and while we have been trying to keep the opioid use as low as possible, thank God for hydrocodone, as it is now finally allowing him some respite from the agony. I was about to write that tomorrow is a new day, but now today is tomorrow... On the bright side Dad's been asleep in pain free for all of today's 8 minutes. Gotta keep hope!
  20. I'm Sorry. I'm now in the middle of this in a way that is cascading pretty damn quickly. Dad has been a rock physically and mentally. They have been fiercely independent, but something changed at Christmas and my Dad starting having severe back pain. Of course he didn't communicate with me the severity beyond "it's still bothering me." I call him about two weeks about and he is in screaming agony when I called. Apparently this level of pain is what "still bothering" meant. But now instead of a few minutes of white poker pain it's sometimes hours. He is also my mom's caregiver as she has dementia but was in decent physical shape. The decline in her is clearly observable physically, because as Dad's pain became unbearable, his care for her declined precipitously. Got him in last week to bone and joint doc, got the MRI, he got an Epidural shot, and I went home for a day. Next day mom fall's apparently upstairs and neighbors come over he tells me. I say "I will be back in A&M." He then calls me about 9:30 that evening (I had dinner with my sis to talk about the future with them). Explains to me that "I need to write this down his blood pressure is 92 over 65, and his heart rate is 177!!! I am telling him shut up, and call 911. I talk with EMS during all the commotion and they are explaining to just take it easy coming up, he is stable and heading to ER. I then ask, "What about my Mom?" You cold hear the incredulity in his voice, "Your Mom is here?" She had her hearing aids out and the commotion did not register for her at all. So the problem is trying to juggle Dad in the hospital (soon to be released) and Mom who is out of it a lot and sleeping a LOT apparently since Dad. So she has declined markedly and getting her as close to what she was a month ago is now my primary goal. As that is something I can influence. Dad's out of the hospital, actually the first epidural did give him a little relief, but not much. In the hospital he was feeling pretty good, but IV pain meds may have had something to do with that. Good news was he got into the wheel chair to leave, which is something that caused him writhing agony previously. My lovely wife has found a memory care bed for my Mom that we have 30 days to move into here in Austin. That's step one to getting them both closer. My life is basically on hold, but thank God that I don't have a boss to answer to telling me what to do with my time. The goal is to get mom moved to memory as healthy as I can make her, and get my Dad into an independent or assisted living depending on how this back pain issue works out. I walked into the hospital and he was talking to a doc and intern and he was completely breaking down. Watching his wife deteriorate over the last couple years, and now his ongoing extreme back pain, combined with a lack of sleep (has not laid down prone in over a month) just had him sobbing. But he needs to talk to me or somebody, and I think he doesn't want to "burden me" with his problems. But they are my problems too! And we all need to have somebody to talk to in stressful time. Just talking about it and crying can help, it really can. The great news is Dad's brain is still there, and they have financial means to get them in a good situation once all this shakes out. But once all this works out I will end up the point guy on a remodel of their place on Lake Belton. As a bonus Dad has an aortic aneurysm that I think they said was 5.5 centimeters, that he had declined to have surgery on before. But I think he is reconsidering and might get the surgery if he can get this back pain to a manageable level. But that is a long way out right now. So I am in the beginning of what may be a long journey. But if I can get them both closer to me, it will be a lot easier to get them support and more importantly be able to visit with them both and bring a little joy into their lives. Right now this is more important to me than anything else. And while mentally and physically the travel, stress and lack of sleep are taking their toll on me, whatever the cost to me, they we great parents and deserve the best from me now in their greatest time of need. I am lucky that at least I have a sister who will help some. But most of the actual work and time is gonna fall on me.
  21. I think what happened with Ketch was he was contemplating how to write a hit piece but didn't have the logic in place... Then he reached fo the ketchup, got grease on his arm from the burger, recoiled from the grease, hitting the corner of his big gulp, which began to wobble, and with those two paws resembling a beef patty surrounded by little smokies, reached forward and steadied the wobbling cup! ... and one of those little smokies accidentally hit post on his keyboard.
  22. What the GOP simply wants is white minority rule. That is why they hate democracy and voting, and instead prefer to restrict voting as much as they can legislate. And since there are so few elected republicans with any principles at all, they can lie about the truth, and have no shame at all about it. here is a great example of the GOP's fear of people voting legally and freely. A completely hypocritical ruling to do one thing, restrict voters from voting. Ohio attorney general rejects voting-rights coalition's ballot petition for a 2nd time The GOP has managed to put a majority of judges on the Supreme court, who were appointed by Presidents who did not get a majority of the popular vote when first elected. So Minority rule is already what we have on the highest court. Democracy is not in the GOP's interest, it simply isn't and the link above proves it.
  23. Work at golf club part time. Get your bartenders license and work events like ACL. Crosswalk guard at elementary school. Start you own consulting business in your field. Find a way to leverage your IT experience? Might be tutoring? That's mostly evenings but plenty of time for golf and daytime activities. Maybe "Mr. Wrinkles" on OnlyFans. Volunteer helping young people do something or learn something. Very rewarding emotionally, and being around younger people keeps you young. Odd one here, but I know a retired gal that does this and likes it... Hearse Driver for funerals. But if you are a risk taker the answer is obvious...
  24. OK... Which one's Chooky?
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