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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. I love bourbon. I hate bourbon fan culture. It’s almost exactly like collecting baseball cards was in the early 90’s, but with way more douchebags. The thought of getting in any line to buy whiskey is just ludicrous in my view. I haven’t bought a single bottle for my personal collection this year. I’ve pitched in on a number of bottles that we share as a group of 10, and frankly that’s going to continue to be my MO for a vast majority of releases.
  2. If you had visibility to the monkey’s NIL deal you wouldn’t be concerned.
  3. That'll do, pig. That'll do.
  4. Well we know it’s not Arch. Any predictions for who it’ll be?
  5. Honey holes are extinct. At least in our general region (i.e., TX and surrounding states). You can’t convince me otherwise. People are too wise about how crazy people are for rare whiskey.
  6. So we’re probably in really good shape, but we might not be. That’s some top notch 9.95’ing right there.
  7. Since when did those have anything to do with what gets discussed in any given thread? I bet there are 100+ posts pertaining to cheese in here, none of which pertain to monkeys, strippers, or 5 stars.
  8. Why do we care? I’ve never understood the angst over the number of stars someone is rated. The offer list says a lot more about the quality of the prospect, assuming those offers are all committable. Is it a matter of believing that our class rating says something about the equity of our brand? FWIW, I suspect it’s a function of him being a quiet kid that doesn’t provide as many sound bites. I’m not saying that’s the only reason, but it’s happened before where kids that keep things quiet don’t get a lot of love from the services that live and die by clicks and subscriptions.
  9. My lotto ticket take was rooted in the “don’t worry about the numbers” mindset. If we’re dealing with a finite number of portal takes, you don’t take Catalon at the expense of a quality player with much greater odds of playing 10-12 games next year.
  10. Taking Catalon as a lotto ticket would be understandable, provided that’s not plan A to address our lack of depth at Safety. I’m super skeptical that he’ll play meaningful snaps again, but maybe the stars align for a final hurrah.
  11. Free market economy. I’m not a fan but I’m also not mad about it. Those stores are generally a primary source of income for the individual running it. If I put myself in their shoes, I can see where I’d be pissed selling bottles to bros at MSRP only for them to take a crotch shot in their truck and sell it for 2x. They are within their rights to do it, and I’m within my rights to stop shopping there.
  12. Has anyone been out to Whitefish or Big Sky? We’re debating those spots for a March trip with our teenagers.
  13. I’ll humbly submit “yall mfs was doo doo this year” as a candidate for tweet of the month.
  14. It’s fine to hope he doesn’t leave, but given that feels unlikely who’s the next Marion? Surely there have to be some solid options out there.
  15. I don't know this topic deserves additional discourse, but that's an over simplification of my thesis. I'm not saying that awards don't matter at all, but I do reject the inference that Bijan losing out on the Doak introduces any risk to our ability to sign Baxter. Maybe I mis-read the thrust of the debate as I was skimming through the replies, but I think the idea is absurd.
  16. Correlation does not equal causation. Yes, awards are doled out before signing day. That doesn't mean those awards have a direct impact on where players sign. I've been following recruiting since the hookem360 days, and I am struggling to think of a single instance where a player winning/not winning a post season award had a material impact on a recruit's decision. I know you've been following just as long, so keep me honest if there is someone I am forgetting. And I'm not saying that these things aren't at all helpful, but they are in no way the basis for a decision. I'd argue that winning them has more of a halo effect on the out year classes vs. the in year class, but the debate raging in this thread was about Baxter and I refuse to believe it's going to make a shit bit of difference in what he decides.
  17. That's exactly what I'm saying and frankly it doesn't seem too hard to comprehend. Baxter absolutely cares about the system, how we utilize our backs, how we develop our RB room, and how successful we are as a program. And Bijan's year provided validation for all of those things already, so him finishing 2nd or 3rd for the Doak Walker award isn't going to do any harm to our RB recruiting whatsoever. If trophies actually mattered in the decision making progress, you'd see recruits waiting to commit until after they are awarded.
  18. Another thing worth noting here is.....recruits don't give a fuck about who wins the Doak Walker award. Seriously. The Heisman moves the needle a tad, but everything else is just noise for these guys. Bijan winning or losing that trophy isn't going to make one bit of difference to Baxter.
  19. There is a lot of overthinking happening on this whole Lamborghini discussion. I’m sure the ROI didn’t pencil out based on increased conversion alone, but ultra luxury brands place an outsized value on consistently being associated with the best. That’s all it was about.
  20. It would be seen as a sign of weakness and a total spin job by our staff. You don't engage in internet discussions with fans unless you're on a sinking ship.
  21. That’s so unlike him. He’s always been such a genuine and transparent kid.
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