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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. 4 quotes in one afternoon, the cult is riled. I said they would never get a conviction, especially if that evidence had been given to the defense. All Flynn needed to do was explain as an intelligence official he speaks to people on a need to know basis and these agents from a different department did not need to know. They pressured Flynn into pleading by threatening to go after his son and bleeding him dry paying his lawyers. Federal defense Lawyers aren't cheap. They did not say why they thought they could never get a conviction on McCabe. I think it is because the jury pool would be Washington DC where 90% think he's a bloody hero.
  2. The released documents confirm they were there to set a perjury trap after they had already decided to stop the investigation because they had figured out Flynn wasn't a Russian agent. Peter S wanted it to keep going for his insurance policy. The FBI didn't think Flynn lied to the FBI.
  3. It proves Entrapment. And the general slimey nature of the Obama-Biden 'Justice' Dept.
  4. Assuming he=Comey and everyone means anyone who can think objectively, we'd be in agreement. It shows the same pattern of behavior as the new revelations about Flynn. The FBI wanted Trump. Having nothing to accuse him of they sought to entrap Flynn into a crime. Thus they would 'go easy' in exchange for Flynn's help against the Trump administration. Machiavelli eat your heart out.
  5. I'd watch one of Slippin Jimmy in the mail room. Could he really resist the urge to open Chuck's mail?
  6. Any chance this would divide the state of Cali itself?
  7. Howard never actually does anything except relate to the other characters. The close Howard has come to lawyering is sitting next to Chuck and looking pretty. I think the only decision Howard made was pushing Chuck out of HHM. I can see this ending with Kim back at HHM. Maybe both Kim and Howard fall. Most likely Kim winds up in Geneland so there will at least be one familiar character.
  8. The tension of the final shoot out was disrupted by commercials and dispersed by Kim talking about Howard.
  9. I have a mini-tower as my provider lacks service in the Podunk town knowns as Scottsdale Arizona. Does that mean their van has an internet connection? Lalo went back inside with his glock(?) to attack a group of commandos armed with assault rifles. consistent with his character!? That was realistic because we'd expect Gus's first thought would be to straighten his tie.
  10. The show has been pretty consistent. When VGG ask what would these characters do when confronted with this situation? these characters execute a Rube Goldberg plan to do something simple.
  11. Or really did they have to set up an elaborately suspicious cover story to explain why Jimmy was "late" posting bail? How about: Sorry Lalo, it takes some time for a lawyer to explain away 7 million in cash. Isn't it the first time since the premiere that Slippin Jimmy's lost a case? You're right that it's to show him so traumatized and scared that he doesn't have a con to pull for his client. And it's so unheard of that it happened off screen.
  12. Some times I leave METV on to listen to that theme music. Then after 5 minutes of that dialogue; WTF am I doing?
  13. zomg the upstart Cmdr Riker Rival was Callahan's daughter. Where would I be w/o Surly? My view of Dennehy was kinda like Capt Picard and Gandalf. They've always been old and alive so I subconsciously thought they were immortals.
  14. Dennehy was one of those career supporting actors who made the stars like Hackman look good. THAT's who should be getting Oscars instead of the leading man who so graciously took the 2nd biggest part.
  15. Every issue gawked about in TND is still being debated. It's the most relevant Bond flic out there, swapping out the newspaper for the internet is the only update the script would need to be made today.
  16. Mike is a Vietnam Vet even if not full Rambo. Okay, it would be a stretch for Saul to say he fought off the robbers alone, losing his car in the process. It's the old Possible vs Plausible thing.
  17. Why does Saul care if Lalo from finds out about the robbers?
  18. And the last robber returned without any more guys searching for the gunman that had just massacred his gang. Well no one said crooks have to be careful planners.
  19. Yeah just came by to talk about it. I love 70s B movies because the conventions weren't formed yet. I had no idea what was going to happen and the ending caught me off-guard. That Warden was one weird cat. And yes it helped that they were all model prisoners. Join the club. It's ridiculous that function works in the cloak room.
  20. I think people are reading too much into this. Just because VG isn't doing the details does not mean he's a do-nothing producer.
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