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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. This is just a monumentally shitty legal take, seemingly aimed at owning the libs by turning a pro-environment concept against them. Once again, conservatives show that they really suck at analogies. In short:
  2. The plea doesn't seem to be quite as nefarious as I had expected based on the chatter: Not to say that he wasn't also up to other sketchy shit on behalf of Deripaska (and by extenson Putin), but he may just be a greedy fuck and not an outright traitor.
  3. I flipped over to Fox a few times during the wait. That's one of their prime talking points that all of their regulars (Lyin' Ted, Jenner, Tomi Lahren, etc.) have been spouting tonight. Expect it to be their mantra in the coming weeks.
  4. This. That motherfucker was going all "Kavanaugh-level" feigned outrage earlier this evening on Fox News. Trump obviously has him by the balls (and apparently not in the way he prefers), but I'm sooooo ready for him to ...
  5. No way the new Bible will be a book - the current batch of Christians don't even fake reading. Will definitely be an audiobook played 24/7 on am radio / Youtube featuring this guy ...
  6. Didn't Starr actually already reduce the damages? See link below: Judge reduces award for flight attendant who sued Southwest | AP News I guess the federal limits are so clear that even this knob didn't think he could let them stand, but he still wanted to make his point in other ways.
  7. I honestly can't tell if this is a joke: gov.uscourts.txnd.292215.467.0.pdf (courtlistener.com)
  8. So orders fucking U.S. District Judge Brantley Starr ... Yeah, that checks out. Fuck me.
  9. I did get a kick outta how even the guy in the wifebeater appears to be like ...
  10. Well, okay, at least two dozen of us ...
  11. But Jared was only taking a 1.25% annual fee on that money, which is clearly the going rate for that sort of shrewd investment acumen ...
  12. If it would cool Austin down to 60F for a high for a few days like in Yellowstone, mark me down for Team Supervolcano.
  13. Climate change, or sky daddy punishing SEC country for the sins of MAGA? Hard to say ...
  14. Fox News giving a network shit over "slobbering" a public figure ...
  15. It's like one of those bad lip reading videos except they don't even need to bother with the bad lip reading ...
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