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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Beautiful tribute to your Mom. I have gotten to know you and your family over the years on these boards. I have always admired your perspective, thoughtful words, faith, and family commitment. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. Based on this thread, I ordered both books and received them yesterday. I'm halfway through Flower Moon and I can't put it down. The backstory is great, but a tad slow. When the FBI stuff gets going it's incredible. I hope to finish it tomorrow. Thanks you all for the rec on this book.
  3. Her garlic. I can peel it. I pay people to peel it for me.
  4. You picked an interesting day to fuck with me over some garlic. I spent $4 on some HEB peeled garlic that I store in my kitchen freezer for quick use. I don't watch that shit. The only TV I indulge in lately is Top Chef.
  5. I also use anchovy paste in a tube for sauces AND tomato paste in a tube.
  6. Yes. I'm buying it peeled so that I can store it in the freezer and know that it isn't some jarred crap soaked in olive oil nor is it a big bulb collection of mold. I cook with garlic every time I cook. This isn't difficult.
  7. Pro tip. You can freeze that and just pull the # of cloves you want directly from the freezer. In ~2 minutes they are thawed enough to smash and mince.
  8. Fuck a thief. Foggy is the resident CL sleuth. I'm so sorry for this. Shitty.
  9. tigol

    Steely Dan

    Well, every dildo deserves a name.
  10. Anyone stayed here since they refurbished it? https://aubergeresorts.com/commodoreperry/stories/the-legend-of-edgar-commodore-perry/
  11. tigol

    Buck Meek

    I've watched/listened more. Fuck this guy.
  12. tigol

    Buck Meek

    Wimberley dude. I dig it. KUT featured a song on my drive home. Dude must have some money. The guitar pron dudes are going to drool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT_bGcEGpYs
  13. tigol


    I ordered from Harney & Sons after your rec. I'm not that into tea, but my morning espresso shots, I've noticed, have ramped my work anxiety. I've been drinking the London Fog from Harney and TJ's English Breakfast. Harney is great! Lots of good Mother's Day options, too. Thank you!
  14. Whew! An out. I mean, I was concerned there for a moment.
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