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Everything posted by tigol

  1. It depends on your definition of a false negative. From the laboratory standpoint, the sensitivity and specificity of the qPCR assays is ~99%. That does not take into account sampling errors, transport media failures, lab accidents, etc.
  2. Pacha is amazing and they need support. They just re-opened. Grab a coffee and some breakfast.
  3. tigol


    Thanks! Went with Krug.
  4. tigol


    Thanks! 69 year old wine appreciator, but not a geek.
  5. tigol


    I need a recommendation for a $200-300 bottle of champagne for a birthday gift. He's not a Dom fan. Krug? Any help would be great! Edit to add: I need to ship it, so an online resource is preferred.
  6. Is the output jack replacement easy for a noob? I have a 2016 Telecaster that has the old style output jack. It sucks and the “guts” won’t stay put due to the wood wearing down on the inside. I assume the new ones screw into the wood, but I have no idea where to start. The local shops have been booked around here. I’d like to order the parts online and replace it myself. Any tips?
  7. It probably looks cool in person, but the lights on the microphone stands are distracting in the pictures to me. Everything else looks great!
  8. Was that difficult to type? No? Ok, then.
  9. You must know a lot of nice people. I attempted to take my acoustic out in the back yard to enjoy the sunshine and work on some chords. The husband disagreed with that notion. The garage may be my woodshed. He'll need to move some shit.
  10. Great thread! The OP and I are aligned in our experience. I tend to overthink everything. Being a high brass and piano student in the past, the guitar is difficult due to the lack of a fundamental nature to learning it. Your comment regarding a low barrier to entry is spot on. It's a trap! I bought a used copy of "The Guitar Handbook" and have been lazy about looking at it. I'm using Fender Play for now and will look at Justin. The good news is that I've beat my fingers up enough with C and G chords that I can transition between them in two beats on an acoustic. It's a start.
  11. What is the deal with Hull? You seem proud of it.
  12. Thanks for all of the help, everyone. I'll try to find this thread.
  13. Damnit! Same. I hate it. G is fun.
  14. Would y'all be open to a beginners thread? I've seen a few people post about picking up guitar due to being stuck at home. Stress relief and a healthy habit. I know a blues shuffle and a few chords, but I'm having issues on an acoustic transitioning between chords in standard tuning. G to C, right now. It's all about hand shapes, but I learn quickly with mimicking a teacher. Online learning is tricky for me. Fender Play has been good, but they don't emphasize repetition to a degree that I feel is necessary. When I was in an orchestra on multiple instruments, I had to practice each part until the neighbors were ready to call the cops. Same shit over and over for days on end. Point is, I don't want anyone picking up the guitar to give up based on the Fender Play app. It's good, but if you're not familiar with what it takes to learn an instrument it might be frustrating. Not pointing at Fender Play exclusively. I've enjoyed the experience, but I know that my learning style might not fit their model 100%.
  15. My Spark arrived!! This little amp is LOUD. I need to mess with it and I haven't done shit with the iPad. Great for $200.
  16. Thanks! Yep, that's the new one. My house is so dark it is difficult to get a good picture without a bunch of shadows (as shown). It is beautiful and it inspires me to practice, which is why I bought it. It was a Sweetwater demo. Got it for $600. There is a tiny nick by one of the frets that I can't even see.
  17. That's it. I have the olds. I've given up. I've been holding out on posting my new guitar and now I can't figure out how to do it on here. Halp. https://ibb.co/ZSV0y6T Here's the telecaster that started it all. https://ibb.co/TqmxZ45 And El Kabong https://ibb.co/wpDJrzh
  18. Good thread. I was around 8 and have a younger sister. My Grandpa just showed up at our house in Ft. Worth during the summer and asked my Mom if he could take us on a day trip. She practically strapped us in the car. He drove us to Johnson City to the LBJ ranch. We stopped at some hill country spot along the way and I had CFS (white gravy with extra pepper) for the first time with a real coke. Whenever I hear "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" it brings up the memory. According to the tour it was LBJ's favorite song.
  19. Damn. Being poor sucks. Thanks for all of the insight.
  20. This is a low end boat question, but my Dad is looking for a small fishing boat to cruise lakes in Texas, LA, and Arkansas during retirement. Top end of the budget is $7,000. Preferred is 4.5-6. I figured that people may be offloading toys right now to make ends meet and he is a buyer. "17 to 18 ft bass trackers with 40-60 hp engines, good trolling motor, decent fishing seats, and electronics. Fiberglass models with bigger engines would be great, but the mechanical shape of the motor and electronics are more important." Anyway, if you know someone that needs the cash let me know and I'll put you in touch.
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