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Everything posted by tigol

  1. I read it. They want to say the N word so badly. It is astonishing and almost the exact opposite of this thread.
  2. Dialysis centers. https://www.npr.org/2021/03/26/981722572/dialysis-centers-an-efficient-option-to-vaccinate-quickly-and-reach-minority-gro
  3. I really like the vintage look. Thing looks like a grilling tank connected to my Grandpa's walker. Get some tennis balls on those legs, pronto!
  4. "Florida Man emerges from the pandemic to show off his Beaver Nuggets. Film at 11. Back to you, Steel Shank."
  5. That shit was like crack. I'm glad they cut me off.
  6. Then why to you vote for the party that is staunchly against it?
  7. None of that. You know you want steak for dinner. Move that shit from the freezer to the fridge while you're making morning coffee.
  8. Re: Surly Motto-That phrase is entirely too rational to represent this website.
  9. I bought the Old Bay on Amazon. Takes a Bloody Mary to 11.
  10. Yep, I bought the Chamberlain belt drive with wifi. There was an Amazon slickdeal for $179. Roflbox sent me a PM. Thanks all!
  11. It's real. https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3185338
  12. Top Notch is the answer here. Although, Dan's on Lamar is not too far away....
  13. Another place to think about: https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/mount-magazine-state-park/accommodations
  14. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/23611498?source_impression_id=p3_1614214854_MD8QP1Fq4ckFQ1jR&guests=1&adults=1
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