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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. signed, every single person who self-identifies as a Republican
  2. you have to remember that there are people on both sides who do bad things and therefore, this is perfectly fine and we really shouldn't make a stink about it, or even talk about it, really. -Slorch
  3. and, its weird how only "one side" has members who have admitted, pled guilty to, and been sentenced to prison for CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
  4. trump is going to skate no matter what the report says
  5. and yet, you will vote for him again no matter who the opponent is, and no matter what their positions are and then say "i don't support him, and BOTH SIDES"
  6. There are tens of millions of them. Every person who voted for an R in the midterms can be counted on to vote for Trump, regardless of who the Dems nominate, and regardless of his or her positions. That number is Trump’s floor. What the ceiling is, I don’t know. Anyone who took a look at what is going on in this country in 2018 and thought yeah, Republicans are doing a good job, we need to put/keep them in power - is a lost cause and no effort should be made to try to bring them over. The only hope is for is a massive get out the vote effort, so that the numbers are overwhelming - and to get all D’s on the same page to back whoever the candidate is, 110% - regardless of whether he’s your guy/gal or not.
  7. of course he is. he's said as much before. sack and badmofo are the two leaders of this genius train of thought
  8. Johnny Sack buys that, 1000%
  9. "especially when he is praising Nazis, talking about how Mexicans are rapists and criminals, degrading "shithole countries," and dropping N-bombs behind closed doors"
  10. Bartlett's isn't particularly fancy, or innovative in terms of the dishes, but my experience over many years is that everything is cooked and prepared pretty close to perfect, and the service is always top notch.
  11. "Trump sounds really smart." -Johnny Sack
  12. the standard shouldn’t be “only if there is smoking gun evidence of collusion with a foreign governent,” or anything close to that. it should be more than enough if the president is wholly unfit to lead and is actively working to undermine US interests while placing his own interests and pocketbook above those of the country at every turn. both of which Trunp sped by a long, long time ago. Trump and his entire administration should have been removed - by force if necessary - within 24 hours of him stepping off the stage in Helsinki.
  13. Wait. Are you telling me that Johnny Sack has revealed himself to be yet another completely hypoctical, Republican racist piece of garbage? I AM SHOCKED
  14. More evidence that Trump is doing a great job. -Johnny Sack
  15. OnBoard is the moronic version of badmofo, please stop quoting him.
  16. So no plumbing, water? wtf
  17. When you say “shed,” you mean like the kind people usually keep their lawnmower and tools in?
  18. ^ saw them in London last year from about 4 rows back and was completely blown away. I check their website about once a week these days for tour dates - I’ll likely travel wherever in the US to see them.
  19. Johnny Sack just paid $500 for one off Ebay.
  20. In all seriousness, if I can’t just pass away quietly of old age in my sleep, I’d like to get gored by a rhinoceros, or be swept off the deck of a ship in the middle of a typhoon, or something else that’s totally spectacular that people will remember and be talking about for a long long time.
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