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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. right, but trump himself didn't do it ... so, NO COLLUSION!
  2. ah, thank you for the clarification. i read it as 1/3 of republicans. perhaps i was reading too fast. i think the point remains true, however, that probably 90%+ of people who self-identify as republicans today, if answering honestly, would love to have trump as dictator/king for life, with the ability to make up and have enforced, laws as he sees fit.
  3. a third of the republicans who are honest with pollsters about it. we all know the real number is 90%+
  4. haha, i actually caught myself doing this the other day and thought of this. i have to take my glasses off to read and see things that are close up, i suspect he does too
  5. roast chicken in white wine with pancetta, shallots, garlic, olives and preserved lemon. served with some baked french onion rice. A+ and easy
  6. You never know until you try. Places can surprise you. I've had some damn fine burgers at Tex-Mex places. i scoffed at this many years ago when a friend told me that some great burgers can be found at tex-mex places. i thought they just put them on the menu for little kids and yankees who don't like tex-mex. turns out i had been missing out - there are in fact some damn good burgers to be found.
  7. Because he’s super fucking fat and can’t throw a ball more than 10 feet. And also, probably throws like a girl.
  8. Same. I found it just completely uninteresting in every respect.
  9. those people are not moderates. they are party over country republicans who are not honest with themselves or others about who they really are. anyone who is willing to vote for Trump under any circumstance at this juncture is beyond redemption and should rightly be written off for all purposes.
  10. one of mine too. keepin' it simple sometimes is best in life. that said, white american cheese slices is even better.
  11. all solid points, but i'm not sure why anyone is quoting or posting serious replies to disingenuous garbage like Johnny Sack. either ignore or neg, and move on.
  12. We’be heard that lie over and over from the Trump apologists. Anyone with a (D) next to their name will be labeled “too extreme!!!” regardless of their views and positions. They’ll vote for Trump and every other Republican and than say it’s everyone else’s fault that we ended up with a traitor in charge of a criminal entrprise running the country. “I had no choice!!”
  13. “He’s doing a great job” - Johnny Sack “He doesn’t understand how contracts work” - the rest of the world
  14. Vitamin Water tastes like what I expect BO would taste like, if you could taste BO.
  15. these are all terrible, these candy bars
  16. fear, unfounded victimization and anger, lack of accountability, getting theirs at the expense of everything and everyone else, complete and utter lack of moral compass, racism, the enjoyment of cruelty and the suffering of anyone not on their “team,” hypocrisy, the hatred of anyone who looks or thinks “different,” the use of the state to impose shitty “religious beliefs” upon others, and selling out the country to own the libs.
  17. Absolutely. More like 99.9 to 100%. These are folks who believed Trump when he said his own intelligence officials were “misquoted” and their statements “taken out of context” after they had testified on live tv.
  18. many of whom are the same folks who say "oh, i don't support trump at all, i dislike him as a person, he is a buffoon, i sure wish he'd tweet less" and then vote straight ticket R in every election, fully and knowingly aware that they are complicit in supporting trump and his treasonous administration
  19. if by optional, you mean mandatory, then yes
  20. yeah, about those folks - who want to use the government, the courts, and legislation to shove their religious beliefs down the throats of others - fuck them too. fuck them especially, in fact.
  21. bingo. if this group of "plenty of folks who still consider themselves Republican but who oppose Trump" that brickhorn references are supporting and/or voting for any republican, for any office, at any level, then they are supporting trump, and are complicit fuck them.
  22. lemon sours (see above) - cherry sours would be a very close second in the non-chocolate candy category
  23. i am a fan. had a grilled cheese at Clark's earlier this week. i'd never really thought to order that there before because there are so many other great seafood options, but damn, it was next level GC. big thick slices of sourdough, tons of melted gruyere, with some warm sofrito served on the side.
  24. great recc's and comments, thank you. i will tell margo hello for you. i recall many years ago, talking with her after a show and paying her some fawning compliment, probably about her beauty, and she politely said thank you, i'll be sure and tell my husband you said that. haha
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