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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. A1 on the crispy, buttery potato skins left after you finish your baked potato is pure greatness.
  2. It’s higher than 40%. When are we going to stop referring to “Trump’s base” as if it is some group that is separate and distinct from “the entire Republican Party and each and every person who self-identifies as Republican or who votes for, supports, or is an apologist for any Republican candidate or elected official, and the corrupt and treasonous criminal enterprise knows as ‘the Republican Party’”? They are the same exact group of people.
  3. finally found the toffee ones after looking at about half a dozen places. they are in fact...not good, at all. I was expecting something tasting like a Skor bar with the crunchy MnM shell. nope - they taste like burned coffee. the coconut peanut ones, however, are amazing.
  4. All pizza is cheese pizza. It’s just a matter of what you’re adding onto your cheese pizza. I embrace all pizzas, and just about all toppings (except for shit like pineapple and broccoli) but when I find a great slice of NY pizza, plain cheese is hard to beat.
  5. Wholly and demonstrably false.
  6. You don’t get free reign to be a racist piece of low life white trash simply by virtue of posting on the politics board. Sorry. It appears that you’re also a whiny cunt who can’t take the consequences of posting hateful, treasonous garbage.
  7. You know, I’m starting to get a bit of a feeling that Johnny Sack is a racist piece of garbage. Not sure why though.
  8. Give an example of a location. I have never seen this. Modern Market
  9. Casual restaurants that have tiny ass water cups, like the size of the little Dixie cup ones that you used to see in people’s bathrooms in the 80s. Thanks, I really enjoy getting up to refill this 3 ounce cup 6 times during the course of my meal.
  10. Jack Straw


    CAVA is like a slightly higher quality mediterranean version of Chipotle. bowls are better than the gyros. YMMV been a couple years since I had an office out in Bee Cave/Lakeway, been i hit little greek often and thought it was solid for what it was (especially for greek salad, which ... isn't what you asked about) mmm milto's gryo (soon to be RIP). probably more nostalgia than "real deal" there's a new mediterranean place next to the courthouse i've been meaning to try but haven't gotten in to yet
  11. looks like you nailed it - that looks super tasty.
  12. I vote for making 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place pay out. JK
  13. Not only are they not unique, it’s the official Republican Party platform.
  14. Jack Straw


    how does this thread only have 4 replies? man. off the top of my head - papalote is legit love tyson's for white people's tacos; they need to make their own tortillas though not a taco joint, but i am crazy about the barbacoa at leroy and lewis - i get an order there and then grab tortillas at the taco truck next door and make tacos valentina's vasquez on research for big ass old school tacos rosita's al pastor also not just a taco joint but julio's on duval - i get a 1/2 roast chicken, tortillas and some guac and salsa and make tacos tierra linda inside the gas station at research and fairfield been a while but la moreliana meat market on south congress across from expose (edit: looks like it closed )
  15. Most definitely. One of Trump’s primary appeals is that he validates and normalizes racist shitbags like Johnny Sack.
  16. Republicans sound very much like the Aggy bragging because his team only lost to Alabama by 20, when most teams get blown out by 4 TDs or more. "our guy is a racist moron who can't speak in complete sentences, incites violence, is completely corrupt and unfit to lead, and hey, he sells out the country on the reg, but it looks like he might have managed to not get caught directly colluding with the enemy. Put the victory sign up on the wall!"
  17. Keep basking in your support of traitors like the pig in shit that you are. It is entertaining, in a real sad sort of way.
  18. Republicans rejoicing in that fact that they fully support the most corrupt and incompetent President in the history of the country who obstructs justice, lies pathalogically, embarrasses the country on the world stage on a daily basis, and surrounds himself with felons, but apparently (according to a report they haven’t seen) wasn’t directly caught colluding with a foreign enemy. Selling out the country to own the libs, haha, take that!
  19. Yep. And that’s, well, 99% of Republicans. How many times have we heard “oh [fill in blank with latest disgusting and/or treasonous act by Trump] is really going to drive people away, this is really just too much,” and you know what, it doesn’t and it isn’t. There is no bottom for Republicans. It doesn’t exist. And there is no such thing as a “non pro-Trump Republican.” If you vote for, self identify as, or support any Republican for any office at at any level at this juncture, you are “the base,” see also, complete garbage.
  20. is there any other way to eat tomato soup? come on man and if you're really wanting to take it to 11, you go with the supper flavor blasted goldfish with extra chez flavor
  21. Republicans are complete and utter shitbags, news at 11
  22. I don't think its that complex, or that Trump put that much thought or calculation into it. i think its a lot more simple than that - that is, Trump is just a complete piece of garbage with no value whatsoever as a leader or as a human being, and there is no simply no limit to his depravity. just like his supporters and apologists.
  23. yep. his approval rating will go up in the end.
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