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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. that description sounds like a write up of a porno. or something George Costanza would say. either way, i'm intrigued.
  2. those sound amazing. i have my GF out looking for some right now
  3. yep. and also keep in mind, that the 40% you reference (approval/support that is not going anywhere) does not include those who publicly say they don't support Trump because they know their complicity in and continued support of corruption, crime, wholly incompetent leadership, and treason is socially unacceptable) but will vote for Trump no matter fucking what because they are complete and utter party over country hacks (think, the Slorches of the world). that is a significant number of people. that said, i will still keep supporting, voting, donating, and spreading the word - its been a long time since i've been as impressed by a politician as i have been about Pete so far.
  4. Pete is far and away the most impressive candidate in the field. i've donated to him twice so far. i do hope he gets traction nationwide, although i'm pessimistic for some of the reasons already articulated above. i'm still of the opinion trump gets re-elected no matter who the opponent is and no matter what happens between now and the election.
  5. Completely agree. -Johnny Sack
  6. in; is this 1-2-3-4-5-6 points per round scoring? or 1-2-4-8-16-32 points per round scoring?
  7. ^ interesting. this is the first time I’ve done one of these so I was kind of formulating strategy on the fly. I was wondering if I was the only one who ended up without a 1 or 2 seed and if that was a good thing or a bad thing - so your post answered the first part of that, anyway. the only pick of mine I really dislike looking back at it is LSU, but who knows.
  8. Old Dominion Montana @HornOnTheBayou
  9. made soda bread and homemade mustard a couple years ago - this year, I got the bread and the mustard (whole grain with Irish stout) at CM. **did the picture in my previous post disappear? or is that just on my end?
  10. Marquette UC-Irvine @HornOnTheBayou
  11. St. Patrick's Day corned beef. did a whole brisket for 6 days in a Guinness brine with homemade pickling spice. ruebens and corned beef hash this week
  12. sounds good to me; count me in if there is still a spot available. $25 >$20, but either way is good with me
  13. I'd probably be in; subject to someone posting the buy-in and draft day/time/details?
  14. There is absolutely no circumstance in which sneakers with a suit or a sport coat is a good look. I don’t know if seeing that makes me surly, really more pity for how ridiculous anyone wearing that looks.
  15. Icono should be along here any minute to let us know howvTucker is one of the great thinkers of today’s Republican Party. I mean, where’s he been?
  16. This. Anyone who doesn’t like grits deserves to be executed.
  17. This is how you know the Trump cockchuggers are nervous.
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