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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. Did the pitcher for Arkansas lace his glove with rappelling rope from REI? Looks like it could support a 500lb load. And he has plenty of extra.
  2. Can’t imagine the PTSD after being stuck with an Oompa Loompa in a suite all day.
  3. Just hit 25. Hope I’ll be here for 55! Congrats!
  4. Jordy throwing tonight. Going to be a good one. \m/
  5. Watching history at this point. Unreal player.
  6. Going to be a great WCWS finish this week/weekend. OU is strong but we know they can be beat. Serious fight in all these teams.
  7. They had a small piece during the game on their batting coach….literally studies what swings works against what pitches using data analysis. Then they watch MLB and other softball players in those scenarios on film.
  8. Is our right fielder ok? Super slow and doesn’t look aggressive.
  9. Super pumped. Would really like to get there to see a game.
  10. This ASU game is good. My sister is a professor there…seriously thinking about a trip to WCWS is they win tonight. Did my first CWS last year.
  11. Grabbed a couple in 110. I’ll be close by. My seat selection is driven by aisle seats..so got lucky…was hoping for opposite side…but I’m just happy to be in. After todays transfer announcement and the incoming class…I’m super pumped.
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