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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. Just watched it. Fantastic show. The Huntington’s disease Chris had was unreal. I also know a family with this disease and lived close by when I was a kid. Nightmare situation. Did not see that coming obviously. The detail they get into about narcos and the Italian mafia is very good. Would love too see another season.
  2. I finally finished menu book 33. My lord. Was seriously pissing me off.
  3. Nice loud lightning pops in the south.
  4. Calvin is awesome. Great happy vibes and killer beats. Was a really good show in 2014.
  5. Ya, we’re not helping ourselves…but this OU team is one of the strongest I’ve ever seen. 31 of their 38 wins by run rule. That coach has built a helluva program.
  6. OU looks unstoppable. Hoping we can drop the first L on them today.
  7. Thanks. It’s good stuff. Super easy. It’s made the rotation over here. I actually brine my chicken six hours prior…keeps it to a one day deal. Left overs are tasty too. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/cast-iron-roast-chicken-with-crispy-potatoes Only addition is I tossed in some onion with the potatoes I sliced.
  8. Cast iron chicken with crispy potatoes.
  9. It’s hard to deny elite privates don’t help some…but the student and application are key. IMO Been through this process twice and for any parents reading…the application/essay are a big part of some of the top schools…because at most of them they are looking at similar grades and test scores on applications. My youngest was stuck on an essay topic and we found a great essay coach. I’m confident it helped her get her top choice. To find out an essay could be worth as much as four years of great HS achievement is enough to make sure that whole application/essay process is as “awesome” as your student. Good luck to those in that process.
  10. https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_rules_of_professional_conduct/rule_4_2_communication_with_person_represented_by_counsel/ https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_rules_of_professional_conduct/rule_4_2_communication_with_person_represented_by_counsel/comment_on_rule_4_2/ Out of curiosity what happens, or what could happen, when lawyer violates this rule? I have a friend who told me a story of a case he’s involved in where he hired a lawyer. During an inspection of the property that is under dispute, he ran into the opposing attorney. His attorney was not present. My friend has never worked with an attorney and doesn’t know squat about the legal process. Apparently he approached the opposing attorney who said “don’t tell your attorney I’m talking to you as I could get disbarred.” The attorney then began to tell my friend some things that scared the shit out of him involving his case, including giving him advice on things to do he didn’t think were appropriate and information he’s not sure is correct. I told him I have some lawyer friends I would ask. He’s concerned about telling his attorney as this other lawyer freaked him with the “I could get disbarred comment.” Is that true? Shouldn’t he just tell his attorney WTF happened? What could happen with his case if this gets put on the table?
  11. Unbelievable work by these folks. https://www.casatravis.org
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