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Foggy Notion

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Foggy Notion

  1. I ran her account through TwitterAudit, which is a site that can tell you if an account is fake or how many fake followers and account has. Right now it says that 60% of her followers are real and 40% are fake. I did the same thing 2 or 3 years ago and posted the results. I think it was on TOS. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure her percentage of fake followers was quite a bit higher back then. IMO the reason you see a decrease in followers since her high mark of 49k in 2015 is because she probably deleted a bunch of the ones that were bad, obvious fakes in order to get her percentage of fake followers down. I'm sure she's picked up some new real followers since she started this city council run. But the only other time she has gotten any real traction online that would have resulted in Twitter follows was when the Gamergate fiasco happened in late 2014. She probably picked up some followers then who were actually real people which explains part of the increase in followers between Jan 2014 and March 2015.
  2. You can buy fake Twitter followers from a number of sites that sell them. I just looked at one of them, and you can buy 1000 followers for $75. The more you buy, the cheaper they are. And other sites sell them even cheaper. I'm pretty sure this is how she got the bulk of her followers. I also think she has personally created a few sock Twitter accounts that "like", retweet and reply to her posts. If you go through the likes on her tweets, you'll see a few fishy looking anonymous accounts that consistently like and retweet her stuff. I'm pretty sure those are her socks.
  3. I believe I posted this somewhere a while back, but I'll post it again here. Earlier this year Mother Jones published this article that sheds some light on Trump's massive debt, much of which is due soon. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/06/donald-trump-loans-deutsche-bank/
  4. https://stats.texassports.com/custompages/sports/m-footbl/archive/stats/04/110604.htm
  5. It’s a Trump MAGA hat. Not sure why she would blur it out.
  6. We’re having the same problem. I just texted my daughter’s teacher who said the the AISD portal is down right now.
  7. I’ve never bought a new amp. I’ve received two new guitars as gifts, but I’ve never bought a new guitar myself. Started buying used guitars in my teens cuz that’s what I could afford. And given a limited budget, I always chose to spend more money on my amps than on my guitars. Picked up my P-bass from the luthier. I’ll post some pics on P-bass Day whenever that happens. On the way out the door, I spotted a familiar face.
  8. Congrats on the incoming basses! There is P-bass in the air. I just got a call from my luthier that my MIJ P-Bass that needed a new nut and a setup is ready for pickup.
  9. This showed up in the game thread last night thanks to Phlegm. Posting here for posterity.
  10. My GF is an oncology nurse in Austin and gave Hershel a lot of his targeted therapy after his cancer diagnosis. She got to know Miss Tootsie and Kerry too because they both drove Hershel into Austin for his treatments, but she didn’t find out that they owned a BBQ restaurant until she had been treating him for a few weeks. She came home one day and asked me if I’d ever heard of Snow’s lol. Miss Tootsie and Kerry invited her and another nurse to come out for BBQ, so I got to join them. We got there pretty early, but there was already a line. Kerry saw us when we got there and brought us to a table close to the pits. Hershel was there in his wheelchair. They gave us the royal treatment. Brought us all the food we could eat, gave us the full tour of the pits, let me ask all the questions I had about how they cooked their brisket and sent us home with even more meat. Getting to meet Miss Tootsie and watching up close how she interacted with everyone was the highlight for me. Just an incredibly strong woman with a huge heart and a ton of love for everyone.
  11. The Esquire is looking great, Deej! You may have explained this before, but what does the switch do on an Esquire?
  12. lulz... “Because Trump was acting officially when he called Carroll a liar, the U.S. should be substituted for the president as the defendant in the case, a Justice Department team led by Acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark said in the Tuesday filing, which argued the suit fell under the Federal Tort Claims Act. If approved by a judge, the responsibility for defending the case and paying any judgment would fall on the U.S. government.“
  13. Nearly 700. From the Breitbart article: “In an open letter obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, about 674 veterans wrote that their support for Trump, against attacks by the establishment media, remains unwavering because of his record of supporting the United States military and ending foreign wars.“ About 674 veterans? How is it “about” such a specific number?
  14. Fitlump tweeted out a link to a press release on her campaign’s FB page disparaging Flannigan for his position on police funding. From the press release: "Flannigan has not only 'reimagined' APD but also his own position on funding law enforcement," said Mackenzie Kelly, the leading candidate to replace Flannigan in November. "District 6 residents deserve a Council member who will not flip-flop on an issue as critical as police funding. I will be a champion for full funding for public safety and will never bow down to pressure from radical activists and especially not violent protesters." Reimagine? Sounds like a word a ‘hero’ would use.
  15. Yup. The “RT if you agree with the message on this sign” gives it away. It’s precisely why she made the sign.
  16. When she applied to run for City Council back in 2014, she had to state her occupation...
  17. I believe this is correct. Fitlump knows she’s not gonna win. And she’s ok with that cuz that’s not her goal. On an emotional level, her goal is to fill the dark emptiness of her soul with attention, adoration and approval from strangers who don’t know what a shitty person she is. She’s getting that right now from the Q-Anon/Trump/anti-mask/pro-police crowd and idiots like Jeremy Bravo. It’s not enough to win, but it’s enough to fill that need for her. I do think she’s trying to increase her name recognition for another run in the future. But on a more immediate level, I think this city council run probably is a low level grift. She’ll take in more donations as we get closer to the election and probably end up with $40-50k, but she’s not gonna spend all of it on commercials, yard signs or campaign events. She’ll use some of that money to buy herself another fake Louis Vuitton purse. Then when she loses, she’ll donate her unspent campaign funds to the non-profit of her choice. Which will just happen to be Take Back Austin, and she will just happen to be the only paid staff.
  18. You’re remembering correctly. Someone archived the highlights at this site: https://archive.vn/Ut02z The tldr is she banged Lance, then he quit paying attention to her. So she started sexting him and sending him pics, and he said he would hang out with her in a few months to shut her up. Then she went to Twitter and posted a screenshot of her sexy texts with Lance and tagged Lance in her tweet to get attention on Twitter. Lance sees the tweet, gets pissed cuz now the entire world knows he boned Fitlump (which is way worse than getting stripped of seven Tour de France titles) and texts her WTF? She says she’s sorry, she’ll delete it but she only deletes part and not all of her tweets. Then she came on to TOS and posted screenshots of her texts attempting to make up with a pissed off Lance, including the now infamous line, “Make me gag on your hard clock.” Then she went back to Twitter and said her roommate had stolen her phone the night before and posted the tweets about Lance and it was all a joke.
  19. Also, Jeremy Bravo is one thirsty ass motherfucker. Who is this guy? He’s supposedly running as an independent in the 31st Congressional District, but he spends more time tweeting about Fitlump and the District 6 city council race than he does about his own campaign. He retweets all her stuff and often comes to her defense when someone calls her out on her bullshit in the comments to her tweets.
  20. Give it up for Meredith! Lulz Not sure who is the bigger jackass on that stage, Fitlump or Allen West in his Texas flag polo and new cowboy hat. Cuz ya know, that’s what Texans look like. I bet he has a “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could” sticker on his car too.
  21. I’m trying real hard to understand this post, Napoleon. Help me out here cuz I need some clarification. Are you saying that you wouldn’t have sex with Salma Hayek cuz she has weird knees? Or that you would have sex with Salma Hayek, but it probably wouldn’t be that great cuz she has weird knees? Is that what you mean? All I know is that if I ever end up in the same room with that Strat, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to have sex with it.
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