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Chili dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chili dog

  1. TX/OU has been mostly friendly since 09 because that was the end of top 10 battles in the series. Now you add the fact that you can still win the conference if you lose the game, and it’s weakened the significance a lot. I went to fucking jail in 2003 the Friday before the game. Early to mid 2000s games were pretty hostile between fan bases because the game meant so much. There were national title implications. If we get back to that point, the hostility will ramp up.
  2. Sounds a lot like Columbus in 05. No one with any sense left the ‘shoe in a group smaller than 20 people. Most of us waited for the stadium to clear out, joined the rest of our fans in the visitors section, and left as one massive group for safety. When my group got back to our hotel, a guy in an Ohio State sweatshirt comes in and removes his sweatshirt to reveal his Texas shirt underneath. Apparently he had driven to the game, and his Ohio State buddy was kind enough to literally give this guy the shirt off his back so no one would throw a brick through the windshield as the Texas fan tried to leave the parking lot. I saw old women accosted and urine thrown on passing fans from frat house front porches. Fuck that fan base in the ass.
  3. I will never, and I hope our fan base will never, genuinely participate in the SEC circle jerk. This union is based on the promotion of self-interests, both for us and that conference. But the rest of the teams in the conference and their fans can fuck themselves.
  4. I just can’t brielieve you didn’t work more cheese puns in. You Muenster been gone longer than I realized.
  5. They’ll go after Sark. Of course, I don’t see us letting Sark go anywhere, but that’ll be their first call.
  6. Saban’s last great coaching staff now coaches at Texas, save for an upgrade at DC over Golding.
  7. This was very gratifying. I hope we bend these bitches over in October. They’re already talking about Gabriel getting benched. Please let it happen.
  8. Plus, OU has two dudes (Littrell and Wells) with HC and OC experience currently acting as analysts. Either of those guys could take the reins and win 10 games with that dog shit schedule.
  9. This is fair. Honestly, I have no business comparing this team to anyone with only two games under their belts. Hell, Bama may turn out to be mediocre. I’ll retract all comparisons and revisit the subject at the end of the year.
  10. I think we may be better across the lines of scrimmage than we were in 05. 23 LBs are definitely better. 23 DBs are not as good. Our QB is definitely not as good. 23 WRs and TE are better (I love Dave Thomas, but it’s true). 05 RBs were better with Charles and Ramonce. We just don’t have a super-human freak at QB, but the overall team is good and deep.
  11. Clearly enemy on the left. Too thin to be Ketch, though he’d probably also qualify as enemy.
  12. I’ve been pretty absent for a couple of weeks. Why are we assuming Baylor? I thought we were in a good position if we pushed. Are we just not pushing?
  13. “Thuggish” may be what Colorado dude meant, but the suggestion that only black people act that way offends me and is racist. Pigeon-holing one entire race into a negative description is the epitome of racism. I’m not shooting the messenger. I was hoping Colorado dude would have the stones to say the quiet part out loud.
  14. After reading enough of the Colorado dude’s posts, the conclusion I’m drawing is that HE is, in fact, the racist. And it only makes sense, considering all the racists with which he surrounds himself.
  15. This is a pretty racist comment. What does “acting black” mean?
  16. It may have been posted earlier on the thread - I am just now checking in and have only read the last two pages - but I highly doubt we watched any Rice film last week. We looked unprepared in the first half. Then we made adjustments at halftime, got an insurmountable lead, and called off the dogs. I’m sure we’ve been preparing for Alabama for three weeks. I’m sure Bama/Steele were being just as cagey and vanilla as we were last week. Neither team put anything on film that wasn’t absolutely necessary and intentional.
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