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The Ace of Aces

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Everything posted by The Ace of Aces

  1. This to me feels like it might end up a Texas blowout victory. Washington seems dismissive to a point of being worried .
  2. Any specific recs? Copenhagen and Stockholm can be covered easily in 3 days each (even though we like to camp out in a city and just go slowly to get the vibes) so we can be flexible with planning.
  3. I think we!re doing Copenhagen and Stockholm next September or early October. Probably 4 days in each, plus a night in Helsinki via the Swedish booze boat.
  4. Nuremberg’s horrible - skip it. It’s all fat Americans asking if they can pay in US dollars. Munich’s markets are very good, especially the medieval market, and Salzburg is amazing.
  5. Shhhh don’t spoil the news that November and December are the perfect months to visit Europe. Let the morons go bake to death June through October.
  6. Trevor Etienne bolting for Georgia. That’s hilarious if you hate Florida.
  7. I went to the Burberry near Harrods to get a scarf and they followed me around like I was going to rob the place. That neighborhood can fuck itself.
  8. Flair was awful. I in retrospect gave it better remarks. It’s fine. It’s not great. A solid B.
  9. The time jumps are awkward and illogical and lack of Chris sucked some of the life out of it for me, but otherwise it is very good and a great watch.
  10. Great finale to a very good season.
  11. The crowds SUCK. Regent Street was a nightmare. We avoid Leicester Square like the plague, as well as Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden, and can't even imagine how bad they are the last two weeks.
  12. We didn’t love Noble Rot.
  13. I want nothing to do with Stewart. He’s the kind of player than can ruin WR rooms - and more.
  14. The security guy at Heathrow this morning grabbed and moved my dick from side to side twice, so that was fun.
  15. Also London the week before Christmas is verrrrrrrrry crowded. I don’t mind crowds but got annoyed by every damn bar being wall to wall humanity. If crowds bother you, don’t come here in mid December.
  16. The Fuller’s Christmas Ale is damn good. It’s hard to find a pub that has 2-3 deep but stumbled upon Harp’s earlier that wasn’t jammed. Knew Gardegs Christmas lights tonight. Dinner at Noble Rot Also went back to Fortnum & Mason at opening and it was nit bad £285 and a lot of tea and a few gin bottles later we left
  17. I’m bad with food/drink pics. St John’s was wonderful - highly recommend. Tried to get into the Connaught Bar today but it was 3 deep at the bar so we went to Brown8s Hotel bar. This slammed. Dinner at Gymkhana, which I still value as my favorite restaurant in the world.
  18. F&M is almost impossible to visit because crowds. It’s so uncomfortable and you can hardly walk. Did the tower and Southwark Cathedral earlier, then F&M, just saw The Witches (meh, 2.5/5 for me). Lunch at St John tomorrow with friends, going to buy some hat at Lock and Co, probably hit up Liberty and Morton Brown, then carols by candlelight tomorrow night with friends at St Michael’s in the Field. Hope to hit up the Connaught Bar too.
  19. The cod’s fish head at Fallow was real fucking good.
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