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Everything posted by TonyTexas

  1. KC should have called a TO there
  2. Usher is sweating out all of the Courvoisier from last night.
  3. That was a oh no……..oh yeah play if I’ve ever seen one.
  4. Why decline and trade a down for 2 yards?
  5. This Raiders/Al Davis reenactment is cringe.
  6. That’s not a sphere. That’s a circle.
  7. A few weeks back, I criticized Stroud as a bad interview. After seeing him in the last couple of weeks in multiple settings, I totally retract that statement. He’s come across as very engaging, likable, intelligent and well spoken.
  8. Drafting G league players early has pretty much been a failure overall. Teams are going to stick to college and foreign players going forward.
  9. Yep. There was a weather delay. Round 3 won’t be finished until tomorrow morning. Which kind of sucks because now the finish will be in the middle of the Super Bowl.
  10. H.L. Hunt made his initial fortune in East Texas oil and Hunt Oil Co. was based in Dallas. Lamar’s original AFL team was the Dallas Texans but couldn’t compete with the fledgling NFL franchise, the Cowboys. He moved the team to Kansas City because it was an easy commute from Dallas.
  11. People like you are the reason that we can’t afford to extend Bregman and Tucker.
  12. Stefanski and Ryans were actually tied in total points but the # of 1st place votes was used as the tiebreaker.
  13. New colors for the Alpha Tauri rebrand with the stupid name
  14. They could have just lifted the 2024 slogan from Crane’s quote this week. “Our window never closes”
  15. I’m going to miss Padma.
  16. Not next season anyway, per their announcement.
  17. In the same announcement, it was also mentioned that they were doing a documentary on the 2004 Red Sox season . You might be more interested in that, particularly the ALCS
  18. Somewhat surprised that, in the current book banning environment, a public library made the Traci Lords book available.
  19. Gameday isn’t getting rid of anybody while adding Saban. With the guest panelist, that puts seven people on the dais.
  20. Nellie Fox fits into the same category as Kent. Short timer at the end of a HOF career.
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