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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. I realize none of us are winners since we're spending time on a message board with a bunch of other losers, but seriously - what kind of low self-esteem to you have to have to waste time just calling other people names while not being smart enough to fathom a basic, logical argument? I mean, you guys seriously need to get laid or a raise so you can afford some hobbies.
  2. What does it say about you that you cannot formulate it?
  3. So basically my argument is correct, and since you cannot refute it you're just going to tell me you're too busy to refute. I mean, you don't have much going for you but throwing shit at strangers online, so you're clearly at Augusta or doing anything else worthwhile. Take a shot. Show me how smart you are.
  4. That seems to be worth more than the collective IQ of the chimps throwing shit on this thread.
  5. So what's stupid about it. Just given me a rational argument about why illegal immigrants should not be dropped off in the most supportive cities instead of in detention centers? Hint: your racism is showing.
  6. Agreed. I try not to call people names, but if I call someone stupid, I make sure I'm smarter. You should try it. I mean it's not hard - but again you probably believe in Russians hacking paper ballots.
  7. Ironic that none of you guys can form a basic argument. I mean I could care less if a bunch of people on the Internet anonymously call me names - is just underscores your ignorance. No wonder so many fall for fake news. The reason smart people don't take you seriously is because you're all emotion and no intellect. You waste your time calling me names but literally cannot refute a single point.
  8. Translation: I am too stupid to formulate an argument.
  9. She made almost a million bucks. Those casino payouts are nice. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/10/elizabeth-warren-releases-2018-tax-returns-showing-900000-income.html
  10. You might want to stick to race baiting cinque. More your style.
  11. This is a win-win decision. Can someone snowsplain why anyone should oppose this? The best outcome for everyone should be to send people to areas where they are most wanted and will have access to the most services. Why could anyone genuinely think this is a bad idea? The only thing I can think of: 1. The pandering continues to be hypocritical - it's one thing to say you believe something when it is free, another thing to pay for it 2. The goal really is to get more voters into red, Southern states, and shipping to California does little good WASHINGTON – The revelation late Thursday that the White House tried multiple times to pressure immigration authorities into releasing migrants on the streets of sanctuary cities did not go over well with Democrats, who denounced the Trump administration as cruel. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/04/11/democrats-white-house-release-migrants-sanctuary-cities/3443705002/?fbclid=IwAR2Ss4RSt_oAhn53-1lfbNilmlLHshgJqGsAE7OXDCn5MIZkOD-vHfY2Hc4 This is why I do not get some Left "logic" - Sanctuary Cities are designed to support illegal immigrants, but moving them there is cruel? File this under "You Cannot Make This Stuff Up."
  12. for children of illegal immigrants but deny it for children of veterans. "The Assembly’s Higher Education Committee voted 15 to 11 to hold the bipartisan bill, effectively ending its chances of making it to a floor vote this session. The move comes a week after lawmakers passed a $175 billion state budget that included $27 million to provide college tuition aid for undocumented immigrants ... Four Democrats, including Assemblyman Al Stirpe, D-Cicero, split with their party and voted against holding the bill in committee." I definitely need some of you guys to snowsplain this to me.
  13. Only way to save this Maxine Waters of a movie is for the last shot to be of Lando sitting on the Iron Thrown.
  14. Don't see in people of color, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be outraged with the protestors or outraged that so many white privilegers dare but upset about anything. Surely a person of color has a hangnail somewhere that I can use to fuel my outrage.
  15. To be clear, I cannot keep up with the every changing list of shit I am supposed to be outraged by. Last time I checked the talking points, we were supposed to get angry about disparities in the justice system and how different types of crime led to markedly different punishments. In my defense, it's not like we live in world where for the past two years many have been flinging shit from a fake news inspired conspiracy and those who demanded we all accept the facts did a 180 the second the facts didn't fit the fake news.
  16. If you need any more proof: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/forum/17-politics-enter-at-your-own-risk/
  17. We clearly have National Socialists to the north ready to exterminate everyone who does not like hockey, maple syrup and Labatt's. We should convene the U.N. Security Council before World War III starts in North America. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47874012
  18. You know you can hack the porn filters your parents installed on your computer so you can surf for dick pics, right?
  19. A month ago I was listening to the Ticket. They did a segment on VR and the NBA. I've barely thought about VR in my life much less shopped for it. Next time I got on FB, I had VR ads.
  20. While AA certainly is not what it was under Fang, I think it is much better than it was 10 years ago. Like any big company, I find the staff and customer service depends on the individual, but on average I think it has gotten exponentially better. It has a newer fleet than most other airlines, and I like both the in-seat and mobile entertainment options. Similarly, my flights are on time much more than they are late (in transparency, all airlines have added superfluous block times). In terms of AAdvantage, its biggest mistake was promoting MileSAAver, which almost always disappoints, as opposed to marketing AAnytime and using MileSAAver as a pleasant surprise. In fairness, I think most of us take flying for granted and forget how complicated it is both physically and logistically. I think the biggest problem with air travel is other travelers vs. the airline. If most of use followed the rules and showed a modicum of courtesy, it would be a better experience. All that being said, I prefer WN and even have had a couple of decent experiences on NK. I never fly UA, DL, or B6.
  21. Just checking in to see some more of Vic's POF friends.
  22. I'm starting to get app and subscription fatigue. I think we might see the pendulum swing back where people with start to value simplicity - one cable pipe, a few credit cards. I need a 3TB phone just to keep all the old lady's apps every damn store and do not even remember how many freaking TV subscriptions we have because one kid likes a show on Netflix, one on Prime, and I need to jerk off to Sabrina on Netflix. Basically they're copying the cable model - you have to pay for a bunch of shit you don't want because you like 1-2 shows. NOW GET OFF MY YARD!
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