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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Imo, Charles is not going to forgo the throne, nor should he. And why would he? But how knows? One thing I do know is that he won't be King John II if he does ascend to the throne. Probably won't be King Charles III, either.
  2. Sorry, didn't mean to be that harsh. The world is an interesting place. Take some time and effort to understand it is all I'm saying.
  3. Gotta disagree on the reason above (that the royals have their privileges b/c of the expectation of public service). They have their privileges b/c they are royals and all the history and baggage that goes along with that. It has nothing to do with "public service". In my opinion. Now, they are expected to do some public service activities, but that is not why they are royals/have their privileges. Edward VIII's decision to abdicate was the best decision he ever made. Living in Paris with Wallis was far, far better than living in Buckingham Palace. He was happy and with the woman he loved.
  4. Prince Consort doesn't ring a bell? Never wondered why Queen Victoria's husband was "only" Prince Albert and not King Albert?
  5. Yeah, that's assuming there is an emotional connection between husband and wife. From what I can tell, emotions are a scarce commodity in the royal family.
  6. should've posted in current events. my bad.
  7. I'm sure the Daily Mail will blame the EU.
  8. It may just be me, but Andy G. kinda looks like Biff's son (Back to the Future) whose mother drank a little too much during pregnancy.
  9. A lot of kids see that. Which is a big reason why there are fewer and fewer people affiliating with organized (christian) religion. My kids see all the idiots associated with religion and it turns them off. I don't blame them.
  10. I doubt this is the dumbest electorate, GOP or otherwise, in history, but it's definitely the dumbest in my lifetime. And what saddens me the most is that the GOP (from what I remember, anyway, and my memory may be faulty) used to be a sane, responsible, practical party. That is, not really driven by ideology (idiotology really). What caused this? I blame the evangelical christians (hence GWB) flocking to the GOP and conflating/equating religion with politics. Fuck. The. Evangelicals. Imo, we are seeing the death throes and last gasps of a very sick, almost extinct party. These dumb white (shite, really) mostly elderly, uneducated voters are losing out to the younger and browner demographic and it terrifies them. There is no talking reason or logic to them. They think they face an existential fate and their choice of "news" reinforces that daily.
  11. Am I the only one thinking that you need to put a notch on that gun? Kinda kidding, kinda not.
  12. If Tucker talks about toilet paper being made in China these fucking lunatics would stop wiping their asses to protest toilet paper. Hell, they'd put their shit on a spoon and eat it if TrumpCo told them that it would make America great again.
  13. No kidding! Just noticed that. Talk about coincidence. Or is it?
  14. Hey, even devils need some lovin'.
  15. About 24 hours (23, actually) after my second Pfizer. No ill effects. Arm is sore if I press on it hard. But I do have x-ray vision. Is that a normal side effect?
  16. That judge is a jagoff, maybe even a fucking jagoff. What a tool.
  17. Imo, you're asking way too much of corporations if you expect them to oppose legislation before it's passed. Why would they want to get down in the political mudhole? And imo recently it seems that the GOP and Fortune 500 aren't always on the same team.
  18. Is this sarcasm? A joke? I gotta admit, when I first read this my thought was "just what the fuck is your problem"? Making light of voter suppression?
  19. Are you really amazed at that? Really? Not too long ago some Republican admitted (publicly) that the GOP would not win elections (or have a very difficult time winning) if voting was basically opened up to all eligible voters. I'm discouraged, disgusted, and depressed. But not surprised/amazed at this at all. In fact, I'd be more amazed if the GOP weren't doing this sort of thing.
  20. The old adage "you can't fix stupid" is once again shown to be true. And the worst thing, imo at least, it's dumb-fuck "christians" who are behind this garbage. Evangelical "christians" are just plain pieces of shit anymore.
  21. Watson, sad to say, is the perfect embodiment of what the Texans have become. Owners, GM, coach, and now this.
  22. I may have posted this before in this very thread, but imo it bears repeating. This is all you need to know about Pompeo. https://www.npr.org/2019/10/05/767383696/opinion-did-secretary-pompeo-forget-his-west-point-pledge
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