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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. God killed more people than did Satan (at least in the old testament). In fact, that god was a major dick. How many innocents/kids did he kill just because....
  2. Ignorance: thy name is evangelical christian.
  3. Best of luck to Ewers wherever he ends up (and I hope it's here), but as far as Ewers or bust? Bullshit. I'm ok with going bust. UT will get along fine without him. Go Sark.
  4. So any recommendations on a compost bin for the backyard? Not too big of one....
  5. Well, if the shoe fits and all. Most Trump supporters (and you may not be one, but I doubt it) have had ample time and evidence to see who they were supporting. And yet they continued to support Trump. Anti-democractic, anti-American dipshits may be another term for them rather than fascists.
  6. You can't believe that? Oh, you glorious, naive, magnificent son of a bitch.
  7. Not that's the kind of 4-D chess I'm going to miss.
  8. Gotta pos rep for any Drowning Mona reference. Great movie.
  9. Lol, no kidding. This is White House Painting company, how can I help you?
  10. Yeah. I'm old enough to remember New York as depicted by Woody Allen. And a younger Fran. I like the acerbic cultural-Jew type of commentary.
  11. The new one with Tom Hanks. Pretty low key. Kinda a mashup of the Odyssey, Tender Mercies, and True Grit. It's good overall, imo, and excellent as a character study of Captain Kidd. (Hanks' role). The girl does a good job as a feral white girl who was raised by the Kiowa. Kidd is on a quest. He doesn't know it at first, but he gets it done.
  12. Scorsese and Fran Lebowitz ramble and roam discursively about what is New York. Pretty good, imo. A refreshing, yet old-fashioned, look at things through a sardonic eye.
  13. Not really a gadget, but if you like coffee this is a reasonably priced semi-automatic coffee/espresso machine. It's good. I've had mine for just over a year now, and a friend has had his for 8 years. It's a Gaggia Brera, if i can post a pic....
  14. Best of luck to the (apparent) new coach. There's no reason why he can't succeed. Ok, there are hundreds of reasons. But he could also pull it off. I'm hoping he does.
  15. Maybe this should be in food & travel, but this falls under the "you can't fix stupid" category. Now, if you butcher your own meat, just maybe, but don't eat raw ground meat, folks. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/14/us/cannibal-sandwich-wisconsin-trnd/index.html Wisconsin residents are being urged by health officials to pass on eating a traditional holiday dish this year to avoid getting sick. A "cannibal sandwich," considered a holiday favorite in the state, consists of raw ground beef on bread with sliced onions, salt and pepper. But, "eating raw meat is NEVER recommended because of the bacteria it can contain," the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) said in a tweet on Saturday.
  16. Good, on the Campbell thing, imo. But it sounds like he's not all that interested in Texas.
  17. I guess not getting injured by playing inconsequential college games would be a start.
  18. Yep. Beyond incredible. Go to the library and just look at all those red binders. Impressive.
  19. I mean, Biden has some control over those things. Come on.
  20. I thought the last episode was very good. On par with the prior ones.
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