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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Wait till you check out the rest of what this board has to offer. You may just never leave. Hahaha
  2. Don’t forget to get game day experience tickets too. https://texassugarbowl.com
  3. TBH about the same. Yes - They have 1 way to win and that's it. They have to throw the ball extremely well and make big gains. They cannot grind against Texas it will lose them the game. It is absolutely necessary that you run for more than 100 to even sniff a chance at winning. There is no way you will be able to complete that many passes in a row and not get off the field without a significant amount of anchoring on the running game. If you go one dimensional Texas will eat you alive or just keep the ball away from you and cause a punt. We make mother fuckers punt a lot and we don't punt all that often. Washington 38-1531 54-2328 Texas 36-1591 71-3016
  4. what I meant by fragile is their win condition I should have clarified/chosen a better word. Their win condition is they have to have explosive plays and great games through the air to win. If you get them off their win condition they are pretty doomed. Texas has all kinds of win conditions, they are a team that finds ways to win, or shuts the door on teams from having a win condition. The exception was OU which was and still is an inexplicable breakdown of epic proportions.
  5. Have one of these. The pre and post filter and the UV light are great. The all in one wombo combo filter thing is pretty much just bullshit. You need a salt softener and probably an oxidizer to clean well water properly. I use the main component of the aquasana thing just for a carbon filter basically.
  6. I just don’t see the same thing everyone else sees when I watch Washington film I guess. Styles make fights and Washington’s style makes this a very entertaining match up, but they are also fragile. If they can’t grind some points out this game will get out of hand for them and you can’t dig out of the hole. Texas is the opposite of fragile. This is the most physical team many of their opponents including Alabama has faced. It’s not just about speed, Texas plays with a fierce intensity and has depth to wear on teams. Washington can match, but I think a few missteps or turnovers and this game just gets out of reach on them. Unlike last year this is a second half, and really mostly 4th quarter team.
  7. I just think it’s funny that you think anything in this 2 sentence statement is true at all.
  8. To the game or the party? For the party it’s tickets only as I am not going to personally man the door. There will likely be some sponsor tickets floating around in the weeks to come. you should wax your bikini zone anyway.
  9. 2-6 I think feels right. I may try to push them to do 12-6 if they'll let me.
  10. Yep - cash bar at both as well. There will be quick serve Beer/Wine all over the promenade and in the courtyard at mannings. Full bar including liquor available inside. It'll only be 4 hours of open bar, which I think is fair because anything more than that and everyone is just going to be completely shithammered.
  11. So I’ve just done something I hope I don’t regret. We are gonna take both venues and have the promenade and street in between. Everything in burnt orange outline are belong to us.
  12. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/476535-tweets-are-not-embedding-anymore/
  13. Because they would have made a playoff run. They would have dumpstered Baylor and gone to the CFP.
  14. Is registration closed now? I want in.
  15. When the criminal trial starts we can unlock this thread.
  16. RTFM haha, I have been saying LLMs have no value outside of entertainment and possibly some time to market benefit on first run stuff. Eventually humans always get it better and iterative time to market I don’t think shifts left with AI assistance. ChatGPT was the oh my fuck we can juice consumers moment for ML/AI, what people realize is it’s not nearly as valuable and the pure entertainment value of it isn’t worth it for the consumer at its current astronomical operating cost and development cost. Effectively if the model isn’t constantly improved and retrained it gets “boring” to the human using it which gets them to stop using it and stop paying for it which makes the consumer use case moot. all the commercial or business use cases are effectively trying to sell the new word processor to companies who may or may not even need to write stuff in a word processor. The traditional ML/AI use cases to do things like tuning and optimization are also just taking a backseat here for a lot of folks and those are things that actually deliver real and measurable business value and impact. having NPUs in consumer equipment is not a new thing, but everyone is acting like now that they are in laptops it’s gonna change the way everyone uses computers and it’s just laughable. Make a bot that can do complex shit that a human needs without them having to learn excel and you’ve got something of extreme value, the problem is that’s not what they are even trying to solve they are trying to gimmick their way to success with brain tingles instead of measurable and demonstrable improvement of efficiency and work quality.
  17. Yeah the promenade with a dog should be fine. We are ~500 GA tickets from that. We are over 650 sold already. Broke 100k in presales last night.
  18. I'm not saying it's dumb for the Texas Exes not to have worked with the community more, I'm just saying one is a community inclusive of anyone who is a fan of Texas and one is specifically an alumni organization.
  19. Theirs is ticket holders only and onsite. It’s also not really the same kind of party.
  20. Maybe his announce was intention and then he’s gonna officially be in after?
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