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Everything posted by staboner

  1. yeah i posted that ^ in another thread. got little notice I think, which was surprising. But i guess listening to a loon is something we get plenty a fill on just logging on here most of the time he seems like a pretty articulate guy honestly. his gripes of living in a time/country with little spirituality are fine and most of us can understand it. i think its the "finishing every thought" with victimhood thing that irks me.
  2. happy 6th bitches. not sure what to make of this. or i guess even if its real!? listening to it here and there and dude is a bit of a victim girlie mon. but past that nothing earth shattering (channel 5 is a great YT sub if you are into gonzo journalism)
  3. ahh NM I see your question clearly now. "One side" of our idiotic culture war not reporting on a fucking guy immolating himself downtown in broad daylight is fucking off to me. Coincidence? Maybe, don't know, but it doesn't pass the smell test. If there is indeed some element of censorship involved - public or private - then yes I would say my two cents from my first post - Very unhelpful and helps to proliferate conspiracy theories and misinformation. Pretty docile opinion I think, which is not close to the same thing as "making them responsible"
  4. I am also confused. It is certainly concerning that I can't find a news story about my neighborhood in the usual local news sources I use. But I can find it in international news outlets. And I learn of it here first 3 days later. Certainly lots of variables at play here, was just highlighting how left leaning media didn't cover it while right leaning ones did. To your last question - no clue if this is directed at me or the guy making video? I have no comment past above and I have no idea 'what it means'. Was just offering my experience.
  5. great read. reminds me how American Idiocracy really is. It lacks global context. Falling Down, while portraying an American story is very much a more realistic understanding of the world we live in. One where people still unable to grasp they are just like every other human being on Earth, yet old structures and our lizard brains will keep us finding ways to fight over just about anything.
  6. what pushed them over the ledge? do you really think that is a question that needs answering? Remember when Princip started WW1? eh. From the link on Falling Down above "Falling Down is about a toxic mixture of self-pity and the hunger for order" We are living at the end of the last order. It is what it is.
  7. alright, lots going on here. First off, this is the first time I have seen this. This happened 3 days ago and when watching the video I immediately noticed it was my old hood. Second, confused that I haven't heard about it so I casually looked at some news websites. Nothing. Checked another, nothing. So then got a bit more serious and did a dedicated site search (via google) and of course its fucked. One conservative outlet (Skynews) has the story, while 3 left leaning ones (theage, 9news, and news7) all do not have shit on their websites about it. Fucking media makes me ragey. You enable dumb shit and conspiracies with childish censorship like this. Third, at the end of the vid the guy says its on Dan Andrews. Sure, I hate DAndrews as well (state governor, big government douchebag with working legs) but I think the guy lighting himself on fire should bear the bulk on the responsibility for lighting himself on fire. This fucking timeline
  8. when i go to be tonight i will make sure to say a prayer for all the regular ammos out there strugglin
  9. NIL is surely a good bit for schools like us no doubt. change is good. the first years of the BCS were amazing. the CF playoff is stale as fuck right now. i don't really watch it and I currently think the NFL is a better product. And used to hate the NFL and don't have a team to cheer for. and texas sucking is certainly part of it, but not all of it
  10. fucking makes me fucking ragey all over.
  11. ah nothing like the sight of a global child sex scandal to bring surly together
  12. Abbot home test? I didn't think that option had legs yet. Hope you don't cop it too bad my man
  13. damn. thought about him here and there over the years, mainly if he was still alive tremendous personality. great life. RIP
  14. their 3rd string guy also flashed here and there. my 2 cents. BM reminds me of squints. Hyper strong arm from texas HS system and can toss the ball GDG sideways style like a champ. However has no touch. On the other hand it is nice to see a guy like Josh Allen get some touch on his throws (in addition to just being a strong arm guy) Aaron Rodgers is the high bar for touch. There has to be something in between the two, but I am afraid thats like 3 or 4 guys tops in teh league at any one moment who can both sling it and throw with the right touch.
  15. i tell you what ain't no ruse when i forward deploy my bridge engineer
  16. i had something a month back that sounds like it was the CRON but it lasted like 24 hours and I just stayed home and shit. i didn't get tested but prob should have. eh. i am sure its gonna be fine i know peeps with the CRON and all have very minor symptoms to date. good news
  17. staboner


    all that shit is fine and happening, but I would add to not overthink this too much now with Rs. its fatalism or fuck you-ism there. what better way to do that then look up to the previous enemy.
  18. was just coming to post this. i just watched the highlights (so good plays for the most part) but he looks in control, processing things fast, and with that arm and ability to move he is next level. he is certainly one of the top 5 franchise level guys in the NFL right now IMO.
  19. that was defensive holding i think on that pick. eh.
  20. titans look like warmed over turds
  21. omenihu throws swaim into foreman for the tackle. triple hot horn on horn action
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