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Everything posted by staboner

  1. strongly disagree. crazy is crazy does. They are malcontents. Whatever stupid shit comes out of a candidate's mouth must be deplorable - thats the entire point. The subject is actually not the point, just the blatant disregard to positive, forward thinking policy. A sane talking republican is not only going to do worse, its no longer available.
  2. the technology would be centered on microgrids and DERMs/community level generation, control and consumption. It would allow for the total interconnected nature of the grid to not be this huge failure point. People have of course been saying this is the solution for well over a decade, but mostly around weather situations. Nothing on these lines will change till the big one happens, whatever that looks like. Just hope its not July or August for you guys, because lots of people will die. Trying to incentivize this at the market level is just fucking brutally hard. You have to create reward scenarios more around up time and/or more penalty schemes around downtime, but good luck having a force majeure like terrorist situation trying to drive that legal ship forward. A fucking mess it is, and will be.
  3. thank you. privilege is exactly the right word. lets all not talk politics during thanksgiving. yeah ok. that will not end well in the long run.
  4. oh surely this will happen, but for now what is happening is worse. its going to be a gray area with some cover given by said law enforcement, which could end in inaction and confusion. the fact that this hasn't happened more often is absolutely shocking. same feeling I had when watching suicide bombers figure out how to use airplanes. utilities are a huge, poorly guarded target with a very high reward potentially. hell, i can't believe any foreign actor hasn't acted on this yet. and to be clear, we know (the US gov/state gov/utilities) that foreign actors have bugged just about everything. there are public audits on this very issue for utilities across the country and this was 10+ years ago.
  5. alright Simulation, I see you but you just look desperate now. Knock it off.
  6. good vid from our homie zeihan. more of the same here from him on end of China narrative, but more modern update with comments on what could happen next during/after protests
  7. China's zero covid policy is fucking mindbottling. I feel so bad for those people.
  8. good on them. I loved it there and one of the reasons is this. The level of respect they show for other people is amazing. Their following of Shinto to some extend explains their belief in respect to nature and others. Obv many other things contribute to this culture. Every time me and the wife unit depart a foreign country and head back to the US we always bet on when the ugly American will show up first. Its 100% in the airport of the country we are boarding the plane in. When this happened in Japan it was an American family screaming at each other in the airport terminal. Mom at kid, father at mom, etc and holy shit was it jarring after a just a week there.
  9. Almost everyone agrees on common sense gun reform and you still have these arguments that are on repeat for decades. Its really crazy to me how as a society America is paralyzed and can't do shit about fuck all.
  10. yeah AUD and it was $130 for one ~13 pounder. All food here is waaaay expensive due to continue flooding of farm and ranchland for almost 2 years now. on top of all the other reasons why food is more expensive these days all my non American friends are pumped to have a whole turkey and do it proper 🤘 hope all you homies had a nice Thanksgiving
  11. gonna dry salt mine and air chill two birds for 36 hours or so. but not having turkeyday till Saturday myself cuz Australia So jealous of the cheap ass birds in the US. well, cheap food in general. ~ 12 lb bird down here fresh = $100. 😐
  12. its amazing how good the basketball is when the ball goes in the basket
  13. there is a 110% chance you are getting shanked after she gets her O. and thats fine if you are into that kind of thing. no judgement
  14. jesus fucking christ this movie destroyed me. great acting. great pace. good music/sound use. horrible story. fucking people are the worst. i hope this movie wins every award it can
  15. awful footwork. just walks backwards and sidearms it out off his back foot.
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