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Everything posted by Keef

  1. Did you hate it when the district court in Hawaii issued a nation wide injunction on Trump’s travel ban?
  2. Gotta think this is the conservatives throwing up the bat single to Kavanaugh. This random whack job in Fort Worth just threw the entire insurance market into utter confusion right before the new plan year.
  3. Yeehaw! Rationale being that once the individual tax was repealed, there was no longer a constitutional basis for the Act. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do this, but we have a major problem in our country of super partisan district courts being able to completely subvert the federal government. For example, both Trump and Obama have had major legislative action blocked by relatively low level courts.
  4. It's like the Charlie Strong special teams unit ran a collusion campaign.
  5. Seriously Rudy, just have an intern do it. Holy shit pork fingers
  6. Mueller's crew isn't keeping us safe from Rudy's typos
  7. Lulz at the Cohen tweets. Mueller is going to have an iron clad obstruction of justice case.
  8. I guess gas prices is the new stock market.
  9. According to wikipedia, here's the backwater law firm Whitaker was a partner in until 2017: https://www.hgllplaw.com/. Not exactly Cravath. Next stop after "general practice" in Des Moines, AG of the US!
  10. Baker Mayfield literally planted a flag on an opposing team's 50 yard line
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