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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Keeping on the Duran Duran side project kick.
  2. I saw the same show at Numbers in Houston. Used to see Ministry and Revco there a lot. But I haven't really liked anything they've put out since "The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste" maybe a couple of songs from Psalm 69. But after that....nothing but shit.
  3. I can't listen to Ministry anymore. Al's new shit sucks and has sucked since the 90's.
  4. Wife is out with her girlfriends. Out in the garage with a hazy IPA. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  5. We all did. Some of us are just further down the road.
  6. She wants to eat the ice cream and then you are supposed to tell her how good she looks. Rookie.
  7. Nuge


    That sativa oil is some good shit. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  8. Lol When will you be in Portland again?
  9. Fuck you Mac - eyemasks are awesome. Especially when your wife keeps her light on.
  10. I go to bed at 11pm on weeknights. She typically stays up a bit later than I do. Without fail, at 11:03 she asks for a backrub. "You know I don't sleep well. Please?!?!?!?" Fuck! My fucking eye mask is on and my shoes are off. I'm sleeping over here. Grumble, grumble, god damnit! And then I rub her back.
  11. The Fuckstains Papal Feeding Tube
  12. I was watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's" last year and cringed every time Mickey Rooney showed up on screen as a caricature of a japanese man.
  13. I love the OG San Diego location. Its one of my favorite breweries. There are a number of great breweries in SD. Try Mike Hess, Green Flash, Stone Brewing (Liberty Station location has a great patio), Ballast Point makes good beer but I found their brew pub to be a little too "bro-ish".
  14. Went to the new Modern Times Brewery in Portland. They had 8 hazy IPAs on tap. Pretty sure I have seen Heaven. Also, they had a giant inflatable Macho Man Randy Savage blessing the beer. Here is the Double Dry Hopped Orderville. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  15. @Mr.Hovis - the Ipapaya is really, really good. The Papaya isn't overly strong. If you like hazy IPA's you'll like this. Highly recommended.
  16. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  17. I got laid last night so I guess it worked.
  18. Nine Inch Nails @ Numbers in Houston around '91 or '92 - can't really recall. I don't remember if it was the tour where Meat Beat Manifesto or Consolidated opened for NIN. Anyway, for this particular show they made an announcement that anybody that got on stage would be kicked out and not allowed back in. During the course of the evening several people attempted to stage dive and were promptly escorted out the side door to the patio. Well, I thought I'd give it a shot. So I surf up to the stage and climb up. One of the bouncers runs over and punches me right in the side of the head. I was so wasted that I didn't feel anything. His eyes get wide and he throws me back into the crowd. I'm pumped. I was the only person that made it back into the crowd. As I'm jumping around in the pit people look at me with concern and tell me I should go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I make my way in and see that I'm covered in blood from my head down to my waist. The bouncer had split my ear open and it was gushing blood everywhere. Have you ever taken a piece of celery and snapped it lengthwise so it was hanging by the outer layer? Yeah, thats what my ear looked like. So I took off my shirt and used it to wash the blood off my head and neck, threw it away, and headed back out to the pit.
  19. I sent that article to my wife. This is sure to go well for me.
  20. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    Sorry @tejas60 that sucks. Fuck Cancer
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