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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. In my case, I post mostly pictures of the adventures I go on with my son. I'm in the middle of a divorce that we haven't disclosed to the general public (ie facebook friends). I try to keep my posts upbeat because I don't want to deal with the explanations and fallout that are inevitably sure to come when word gets out.
  2. I use facebook to show off my exciting, fulfilling fake online life while my real life is crumbling to pieces. Isn't that what it's for?
  3. RIP Roosevelt. I know your pain. I lost my girl, Olive, a couple of weeks ago. I'll pass along some words of wisdom my 8 year old bestowed upon me when I was crying like a baby. "Just remember all of the good times. It's all a part of the circle of life." Also, "Now that Olive is gone, you don't have to clean up so much poop." Kid is too practical.
  4. Saw White Denim last night at the Doug Fir Lounge in Portland. They sounded amazing. It was exhausting just watching them. They played for 90 minutes and only stopped between songs 4 times. If any of y'all come up to Portland for a trip I highly recommend going to a show at Doug Fir or Mississippi Studios. Great venues
  5. Doesn't Patterson like to turn running backs into linebackers? Any large running backs in state that could transition?
  6. When you are named "Nuge" it is inevitable that you end up in a Sex Party Tree House.
  7. Would. Even though she's aggy.
  8. Can I be in your band? I can play the ukulele. Poorly. I think this may be the best band name ever.
  9. What was his story? Perpetually injured like Kirko? One would think with our LB depth that he'd have a shot if he could fog a mirror.
  10. So the Cardinals could possibly replace one quarterback with entitlement issues with another, shorter entitled shit-head.
  11. Is it the player's ego or the agent's that lead to contracts like this?
  12. Goodbye sweet girl. Today Olive decided that she was ready to go. She's stopped eating and can't stand up. Calling around to make her final arrangements and bawling like a baby. From the moment we found her in the pound to today, her last day, she had been the most loyal, loving, smart, and happy dog I've ever known. I'm going to miss her terribly. Olive, I love you. I hope I was worthy.
  13. Doggy style, literally. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2019/04/man-who-raped-fiancees-dog-gets-60-days-in-jail-judge-says-he-wishes-he-couldve-given-him-more.html
  14. 8yo - Do you know who the smartest player in the NFL is? me - no, who? 8yo - Tom Brainy - rimshot -
  15. Good point(s). Hell, they had to cut out a whole character (one of their managers). I multi-part series would be pretty cool.
  16. I thought it was fun mindless entertainment. Kind of how I viewed them and their music. I never read the book but based upon some of the earlier comments (i.e. burrito, etc.) I wish that shit was put in. I want the real Dirt.
  17. Got ukes for my son and I. They only cost $37 though. They're shitty. Go out of tune if you breathe on them. But they're fun to fuck around with around the campfire.
  18. Yeah, that too. But running a 4.7 at 230 looks much better than at 210. Still slow, but at least he's huge. At 210 - just slow.
  19. So far the advice that LJH has received has been to: 1. Leave school early 2. Lose a ton of weight to increase speed 3. Not practice his route running 4. Try some TE drills/blocking Whoever is in his ear just cost him millions of dollars. Just like Liam Neeson, LJH had a certain set of skills. Skills unlike any other receiver in the draft (and league). He was told to change to fit into the standard WR box when he should have played to his strengths and highlighted how he was a different animal. A vicious competitor that would come down with the ball and bulldoze his way to a first down when a play absolutely had to be made. Such a player is worth a draft pick. As it stands now, that might not happen. At this point my only hope is that he ends up on the right team and reverts back to the player that pulled our ass out of the fire on a number of occasions last year. He's a baller.
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