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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Then why are you defending him so vociferously?
  2. People on here still see Duv as the highly rated prospect he came in as. I don't think he's lived up to the hype and consider him a meh receiver. He's a threat because of his straight line speed but hasn't produced at the level of his lofty ranking.
  3. Since our coaches (and best recruiters) are already in Cali why not stop by and say hi to some of our recruits out there? In addition to a re-recruiting trip lets just turn this into a good old regular recruiting trip.
  4. Nuge


    So busted
  5. The gorge is...wait for it... gorgeous! I have a bunch of buddies coming up this weekend from Austin. One the days they're here we'll go play a couple of rounds of disc golf in the gorge (N. Bonneville & Cascade Locks) and have lunch at Thunder Island Brewing. I found the picture of Olive at Angel's Rest (appropriate name in retrospect).
  6. I posted almost this same picture with Olive at this location. Though I'm not sure if it is here or on Shaggy. RIP Olive.
  7. Shows I currently have tickets for (in Portland): Sat 5/25: Swatkins & the Positive Agenda @ Mississippi Studios - I have a bunch of buddies coming in from Austin and Dallas to show me some love because of my recent divorce. Gonna be a lot of drinking, smoking legal weed, disc golf, dominoes, and live shows. Friday the 24th we'll be going to a Sofar Sounds show (I volunteer with them) and then Saturday we'll see Swatkins (funk band) the only other band in town this weekend is Gogol Bordello and I'm just not into them. Mon 6/3: The Babe Rainbow @ Mississippi Studios - I love the Australian psychedelic bands and these guys are the biggest hippies of the bunch. Mon 6/17: The Mystery Lights @ Doug Fir Lounge - Their new album dropped last week and it's one of my favorites of 2019. If you like garage rock you'll dig this. Definitely worth a listen.
  8. That jump over the picnic table at the end is pretty amazing. Also, I was hoping the dog would catch and mount her. She probably prefers doggy anyway.
  9. Nuge

    2019 New Music Thread

    So far my two favorite albums this year are: Fidlar - Almost Free The Mystery Lights - Too Much Tension!
  10. I find that if I go hard friday night I can just push on through and be a loud drunken mess come game time. Which in my opinion is being the best kind of fan.
  11. It's hard to get proper drunk for 9am games out here on the west coast but not impossible.
  12. I agree about the sandwich. Remember when she used to be hot? I barely recognize her now.
  13. Anybody have one? I'm thinking about picking one up. https://www.radpowerbikes.com/products/radrover-electric-fat-bike
  14. One of my favorites of all time. And I feel old.
  15. I just got a message that visitation has been cut off to a buddy with an inoperable tumor on his brain stem. He probably won't make it to mother's day. They're asking for pictures for his celebration of life. FUCK CANCER!
  16. I doubt CJ is drafted in the top 10 but, if so, quoted for posterity and surly shenanigans.
  17. In my case, I post mostly pictures of the adventures I go on with my son. I'm in the middle of a divorce that we haven't disclosed to the general public (ie facebook friends). I try to keep my posts upbeat because I don't want to deal with the explanations and fallout that are inevitably sure to come when word gets out.
  18. I use facebook to show off my exciting, fulfilling fake online life while my real life is crumbling to pieces. Isn't that what it's for?
  19. RIP Roosevelt. I know your pain. I lost my girl, Olive, a couple of weeks ago. I'll pass along some words of wisdom my 8 year old bestowed upon me when I was crying like a baby. "Just remember all of the good times. It's all a part of the circle of life." Also, "Now that Olive is gone, you don't have to clean up so much poop." Kid is too practical.
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