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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. Not like it matters. Republican legislators are well whipped. New England Republican Governors tend to be decent enough. Trump will likely still escape justice and this governor and all the rest of them won't make a difference until Republican Senators grow a spine.
  2. I agree that impeachment may not help him but if you're waiting for Mitch to do the right thing you might as well be waiting for Bob Stoops, Lincoln Riley, and all future coach of Oklahoma to stop eating bags of dicks, aggy to become self aware, and for Zach Smith to become a good person as all of those are more likely. Good luck with that.
  3. The response to 9/11 shows how easily even the most well crafted systems can be broken from within. We have traded far too much liberty for security, and in many cases false senses of security in the past 18 years. This goes for multiple presidents and multiple Congresses and a Supreme Court that has failed to check the two other branches in national security law.
  4. I don't think anyone would accuse any of us of modesty. The difference between you and us is we don't brag about the accomplishments of others to make us feel good. You view Alabama's success, LSU's success, Auburn's success, etc. as a thing to brag about. We view OU's success, Nebraska's success, Colorado's success back in the day, etc. and bemoan it and view their success as our failure to prevent it. After all, OU can't win a national title if we win enough to stop them. I wish nothing but failure on OU.
  5. Clemson gets another commitment from a 4* OL. Good news for us? Let's get us Brothers Brockermeyer https://247sports.com/Player/Marcus-Tate-46049753/
  6. I like the formal announcement in front of flags when done right. There are some that send shivers down your spine in a good way
  7. Don't want to be mean or kick a man when he's down, but man, I hate to break it to you but the Republican Party you knew died in 2009/10. Hell the Party of Lincoln died even longer ago.
  8. Dude is better than Boyce already lol. He isn't Stingley level good but he's still an amazing corner who will be great as a true freshman and likely elite as a sophomore and junior.
  9. 1) what a fucking stupid question to ask the AD 2) Collegiate eSports as we knew started at UT Austin when some guys started the Texas eSports Association (TESPA). Since then I think they renamed themselves to just Tespa (got to love orphan initialisms), since they have like 300 chapters across the country 3) therefore, what a fucking dumbass
  10. Elijah Higgins. Omeire has worse measurables. About 800. Human reaction time plus latency plus time to write that out and hit send. The time it took to go from realizing what happened to initiating the process of reply tends to 0.
  11. That's an impressive list. I hope (but don't see it as likely) that Auburn mudholes aggy. Regardless, if we handle business it doesn't really matter.
  12. Aggy 24 - Auburn 20 First three quarters will be largely uneventful with the exception of Bo Nix and Kellen Mond combining for 2-3 turnovers or near turnovers. The last quarter will likely be played to the tune of Benny Hill and will feature 27 of the 44 points scored. It will be 10-7 Barn going into the 4th.
  13. "My educated guess is that Texas is actually recruiting and evaluating several other players from senior film right now" Someone was trying to hit a word limit. Either that or I'm supposed to assume that the average person who pays to read his writing is stupid enough to think that this qualified as interesting insight.
  14. This. If you think the score will be 38-33 or higher it's pretty easy call.
  15. It's a lose lose situation AND after Bleachergate certain members of the UT Admin have no desire to play them ever again. Cougar High fans are annoying as fuck and I get little joy playing them or beating them whereas losing results in extreme displeasure. Playing Rice is enjoyable because their fans are relatively intelligent, know their place, and often work with us or went to grad school with us at other institutions so they're our friends. It also has a gravitas lended to it by JFK and the Apollo Missions (see the 50th anniversary celebration of the moon landing). Their band is also pretty funny. In addition we get all the benefits that would come with playing Cougar High with none of the drawbacks. Rice should become a permanent yearly "rivalry" with some NASA/Moon/JFK related name and trophy that is played at NRG every year so that we have a game in Houston. Every year around that time we could use the game to emphasize our engineering/science programs and academics to recruits, students, and the general public. Get Moriba Jah to land us another blue chip lineman. It'll be a free win most years, a great recruiting game, and a nice treat for the Houston Texas Exes/Longhorn fans.
  16. I think it is good to get a game in other states but I love the idea of getting a permanent game against Rice. JFK made it a game that will always be talked about. Marquee non conference and a random non Texas G5 or maybe even a weaker P5 (yes it hurt when we sucked and lost but beating up a weaker P5 is more fun than on a G5 no one has ever heard of (that being said for purely strategery reasons we should just play 10 P5)) sounds good to me. I don't see any benefit from playing UTEP or UTSA. Just never schedule an FCS school and we're happy (other than maybe an HBCU so we can see their band).
  17. We will never play Houston ever again so long as Dodds is alive. I hope we make Rice a more regular game.
  18. Roughly. And he isn't wrong. A lot of people here are worried every time we lose everything is going to fall down like a house of cards and the team will quit. That hasn't happened under Herman at all. We looked damn good, albeit sloppy at times against a team that is playoff worthy. Make that early catch on 4th down and the game is tied. Plenty of other examples of easy plays that became execution errors that were unforced that can and will be tuned up. We are young but talented and by the end of the year I think we'll win the Big XII with a 10-2 record.
  19. He's better than Fulton. We couldn't get shit through on Stingley but we could against Fulton.
  20. He is their best defensive player this year and I was saying so before the season started.
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