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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. How much do you want to bet on this? You willing to put 500 dollars on a 1:10 bet that he doesn't get fired since you are so confident he will? That's a free 500 for you if you are as confident as you say are and 5000 for me when you're invariably wrong.
  2. Lol https://247sports.com/Player/Ethan-Pouncey-46079307/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SfomLFp5j/?igshid=iw6uyjadftz9
  3. You sound like an old who believes the political shit he reads on Facebook. To be honest you really should just be disconnected from the internet. If you think there's any reason to believe this is true you're a moron.
  4. We need moderators to get rid of stupid people. The board may be silent at that point but what can you do? Hell just get rid of TexAgs level mouthbreathers and we'll have a good time. On a serious note we don't need moderation. A shaggy level cesspool is what we're meant to be. A few TexAgs level posters being allowed to exist is the price we pay for freedom.
  5. Yup. If all we lose here is Princely (a loss but not the end of the world, provided we get Collins as we then basically have our dream class from the very beginning with VF subbed for 🤴🏾) and Eaton (a nice space to open) AND if by some chance someone negative recruits Omeire I'll be OK with how everything goes. If the last wish doesn't come true oh well.
  6. Look if there is one guy who will do things by the book it is Milroe. No need Fri fear rn.
  7. You know, we may just be as regarded as TexAgs.
  8. If we could convert human stupidity to power, we'd need no other power sources for the rest of time.
  9. I don't think it's Pouncey. Don't mind losing Eaton. Any chance we could negative recruit Omeire while we're at it?
  10. If you believe this moron on OB you're dumber than aggy
  11. Jimbo 2023: Money for nothing, cucked for free? Jimbo 2023: Money for nothing, Candi for free?
  12. Good to see them in Longhorn gear. Don't think I've seen Tommy in anything but All Saints gear
  13. Yeah but I am pretty sure you'd kill us all for free so....
  14. Neither have great offenses. We'll have equal or more picks than their QB will have touchdowns against Tech and will likely do the same to Baylor. Our offense may struggle against both though.
  15. Yeah but the trend won't hold because we aren't playing the 1, 2, and 8th best offenses in the country anymore. The only offense we should fear is Iowa State until the Big XII title game. Adjusted defensive metrics tell a more accurate story. We have a league average defense which is far below our standard and will cost us games in many cases (though against OU they were by far the better side)..
  16. He's not regressing. He's just injured and less free to make plays due to weaker corners.
  17. The War on Christmas may have been the least successful war in American history
  18. When I saw you complaining about the spread I actually thought you were complaining the other way. There are DII teams that could beat UConn. They could lose to a team of ghosts.
  19. Well, you can't just leave is hanging like that. What do they say?
  20. Trump Pressed Australian Leader to Help Barr Investigate Mueller Inquiry’s Origins President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the calls https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html?
  21. That's the joke (the entire House includes the Democrats).
  22. Clear sign they don't have the talking points ready yet. Expect them to be sent to the entire House in 30 mins before you hear them on air
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