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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. Have you already forgotten how Rui shut down Jokic in the WCF? Just a preview of 82 straight games of domination from Rui! I honestly look forward to this every year. As someone who at one point rooted for a team starting Smush Parker and Kwame Brown, seeing who gets framed as being well overvalued by our fanbase is a fun thing to witness. I mean we may turn Gabe Vincent into a DPOY or All-NBA player depending upon how he looks in the pre-season.
  2. Every single team that has had enormous success, no matter the sport, has these people. It is magnified because the fanbase is the largest in the NBA, as well as worldwide for that matter. When you have that many people that have access to social media you are going to hear a lot of insane things like that. Get ready for the push to get Austin Reaves to be a starter in the All-Star game and Hachimura to be most improved. For the record I like Hachimura a good bit going back to Gonzaga, but I won’t be supporting that. I know it’s coming if he comes out of the gates hot. My fellow fans are a humorous group a good chunk of the time.
  3. Guys I was having a nice day and then that notification went off. Next thing I know I’m in Brooklyn! Someone named Q told me I’ll know where to go next!
  4. Vic Lombardi was my favorite sportscaster as a kid! We lived in the country and did not have access to cable channels until Directv came into existence. We only got whatever stations my dad’s 50 foot antenna picked up from Waco and Austin and occasionally Houston. Lombardi was like an ESPN anchor with how he presented sports on KXAN channel 36 in Austin. I still vividly remember him calling the QB from my high school in Lampasas, Pablo “Picasso” Jass, in 1994. I am sure if I got in touch with Pablo he’d still remember Vic calling him that. I knew he was up there in Denver and I’m glad he’s still around. I’d love to cross paths with him one day to tell him thank you for how interesting he made sports to me and others when I was a kid. He was so energetic and upbeat. He was and is awesome to me.
  5. Well, bye. Just go hangout in Bakersfield and call it a career. When you are already a proven liar that tries to make deals with people who hate you and are even worse human beings than you, well, this is called getting what you deserve. Sargeant Schultz could’ve done a better job as Speaker.
  6. This is a heavy read, but what a book. The insights provided into the minds of Japan’s military commanders, as well as Emperor Hirohito himself, was well worth the almost 900 pages it encompasses. It was published in 1970 when many of the participants or their immediate subordinates were still alive. The ability to interweave stories of the average Japanese soldier on the battlefield and civilians caught in the crossfire made this a wonderful read. I highly suggest reading this book if you have an interest in the Pacific War, especially from the perspective of the enemy at the time. John Toland wrote a history that still is found to be really interesting almost 80 years after hostilities ended.
  7. That it was done on an 80 million dollar budget is really impressive because the cgi in the movie is really cool.
  8. You know when you are regularly referred to by the derogatory nickname “Streetclothes”, it’s probably best to just say nothing.
  9. That was a really cool way to express embracing life and what happens to you is going to happen and just roll with it. It’s something I personally do because there is no point in getting angry over what you can’t control or someone’s words about you. Take it in, process it and move forward. Take those moments where you could be angry and realize that perhaps being late for something has kept you out of a situation that would have not been a good one or take that time to do something good for yourself. He framed his perspective very well so thank you for sharing.
  10. No that’s the last one. This is the one that’s going to program you to walk out to a largely undeveloped area called College Station to defecate on the grass of a college campus there and the dead dog graveyard. Well all be following your progress. Good luck and Godspeed.
  11. This year is definitely the year, until it’s not. Being a fan of the main rival of THOSE GUYS, yes I am good with every year ending like this for them. If the Purple and Gold aren’t getting to 18 then a successful year is them not achieving that either.
  12. In comparison to how it was in the past it was actually easier to get in there this year. The bag check used to slow down entry to a crawl, but they changed it and not every bag gets checked now. It cut line time for me at least in half.
  13. I will not stand idly by and endure this phone tyranny. This is a big problemo in East Harlemo!
  14. My only two memories this year were taking my mom to see her Yankees twice. They beat Baltimore and Texas. She’s 1-1 now with Baltimore and 2-0 with Texas since the Yankees beat them on her 70th birthday a few years back. Not much else this year went right for them. Boone probably returns. Cashman should probably just retire to his home in Connecticut, but he won’t leave until Hal tells him to. It’s time for a major overhaul of the front office, how the training staff deals with injuries and what team in Japan they can trade Stanton to. He is a chiseled Chris Davis and that’s about it. Either he hits a laser out of the park or nothing. I think the next 2-3 years will be some rough sledding. Too much money allocated to guys who aren’t producing and not near enough punch in the lineup. It’s a wonder this team did not have an under .500 season with the way they hit most of the year.
  15. Shame on me too. I need to attend one of these ceremonies ASAP. Several months back a man came in with his family to eat lunch. I did not immediately make the connection of why he had an American flag pin on his jacket. I asked him what the occasion was that he and his family were celebrating and he said he had just been sworn in as a US citizen! So this is pretty awesome I think to be able to serve this man and his family on this day. I ask him why this restaurant for his celebration. His first job was in this place and he started as a dishwasher 20 years ago. (A manager that hired him was not there that day, but he vividly remembered him when I said he came in and why.) I asked him what was the hardest part of his journey and his answer made me laugh a good bit. He says “Working at this place!” What a wonderful moment he and his family had being able to bring his wife and children to the job where his American dream started two decades ago. Moments like that stick with me and it makes what President Carter does all the more remarkable in his service to people just like this man.
  16. This man and the example he put forth with his life should never, ever be forgotten. This is how you live well. What a tremendous example he has set. His actions backed up his words. How many of us can really say that we have truly lived our life in the service of others instead of ourselves? I am just continually amazed at how he has never stopped trying to bring at least a small measure of joy into someone else’s life. Also I met be petty for this, but whomever decided to have people representing 45 countries at the swearing in ceremony deserves a round of applause. First time in a good long while that that number represented something wonderful and important instead of what it has been attached to.
  17. We like to keep our sharks in the friendly confines of the subway tunnels.
  18. The person that programmed your pro sports guarantees.
  19. I went to see it last night. The story seemed to be well thought out. There were parts that needed to be developed more, but I have no real gripes with this movie. It was entertaining and I know it was because the theatre I was in didn’t have anyone talking unless we were laughing at something which happened a few times. I would say go watch it and draw your own conclusions about what you think because I can see that there will be varied reactions to this one.
  20. Fatty I kinda think it might be in your best interests to log out of this website for awhile and reassess your life. All that hate is not only going to burn you up mentally, it will also lead to a whole bunch of unwanted stress and misplaced anger. Go find some fun activities to do that don’t involve this place.
  21. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/38520462/former-spurs-guard-joshua-primo-suspended-4-games-conduct I always know that no matter how laughable things have been for the Purple and Gold over most of the last decade that I can still count on the JV team to go and do something like this. He has zero business playing basketball.
  22. This is what we should all aspire to get from the person representing us in Congress. She is actually there to help the citizens who voted for her as well as those that did not. She’s not up there looking for a viral moment to own the GQP. She’s there to work and make the lives of the citizens of this country better, but instead she’s given this waste of valuable time. The day she replaces Chuck Schumer in the senate cannot come soon enough.
  23. I am going to say that if this storm today in NYC caused the city to grind to a standstill then, well, God help it when some real climate change driven storms come calling. The time to have started trying to build a sea wall around this place was 20 years ago.
  24. I talked to my mother earlier today. She is 74 and while she said she liked the Senator when she was younger she felt that 80 should have been enough. Her reasoning was that she wants to see far younger people in government because the world is so vastly different now and someone Feinstein’s age cannot relate to the issues they are facing.
  25. Better than that. He fought at the Siege of Jerusalem.
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