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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. Would somebody please go and take it or at least shut off the wi-fi there.
  2. You should’ve killed them. Problem solved. I do believe we have plenty of people doing good when it comes to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Baha’i…etc. I learned that at a certain point you cannot convince a person who thinks you are culpable for the actions of others you have no influence over that, indeed, you really have no influence over them. I cannot make a lunatic and unhinged evangelical Baptist see the error of their ways. All each of us can do is all we can do and that’s it. You do your best to help others and perhaps the example is followed.
  3. Good times reading this article about him from 2022 and then what he has now done. He seems just a bit too involved in the social lives of the students. https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/communities/livingston_tangipahoa/walker-high-school-principal-jason-st-pierre-wins-national-principal-of-the-year/article_925a9cfe-ee68-11ec-87d7-5730e483155b.html#:~:text=Jason St. Pierre%2C principal of Walker High School%2C has,ceremony webcast on June 15.
  4. Reading about this principal leads me to believe he’ll eventually be found out to either have pedophiles for friends or he is one. Or both for that matter. Trying g to exert control over a teenage girl and invoking God’s name to do it should be grounds for instant termination. That is if this was anywhere but in the safe confines of white terrorist nationalist territory. Somehow this guy was named principal of the year in 2022 if I read the correct article about him. Just disgusting seeing religion used to attempt to control the behavior of this young woman.
  5. Good. Put him away for a nice 20 years or so.
  6. The horrific people, not the actual written word, are the issue and have been since day one. Jesus asked people to show love to everyone. The abomination that has followed through the centuries are pretty much right in line with how humans inevitably treat others.
  7. I mean it’s just incredible that that ever became a story. We have some really, really poorly educated people in this country that you can convince that stuff like this is true.
  8. A religion being hijacked by racist terrorists does not equate the religion to being originally one based in hate. People have twisted it into this. This is a human being problem and unfortunately the human beings that wield the hatred for others have a pretty loud voice. This is like people who pointed at Islam being a religion of hatred after 9/11. It’s the religious terrorists in that faith that twisted words and wielded it into an instrument of hate. People are always the issue.
  9. The Christian nationalists/terrorists get to me as much as they do you, but this is not accurate. You know this.
  10. If there is money to be made they’ll do it. The players watch things in highlight-sized bites anyhow now. The on-campus stuff I am going to say doesn’t move the needle as much as it may once have. The goal for the best of the best is just finding a team that can get them to their ultimate goal of the NFL as well as who will get them some good money while they are in college.
  11. There’s a writer on a website I subscribe to called Defector that covers the WNBA really well. I know she’s really pumped about this matchup. This should be a really entertaining finals. So much talent on the floor for both squads. I guess this is kinda how it must have been back in the 60’s to watch an NBA Finals game when the league had just 8 teams and they’d have multiple HOF’s on each team.
  12. I try to refrain from vagaries and lumping entire areas together, but the states of the south are wholly out of touch with anything resembling empathy for others that don’t look like them or come from a different culture. I have zero desire to ever set foot there again. They are in every sense, and we can echo this back to the Civil War, the people (Read that to mean uneducated by choice white people) there are as big a strain on the rest of the US as the East Elbian descendants were and still are to Germany. They are a lost cause.
  13. I think I’m probably barred from entering the white Jesus territory from Texas to Florida. I’m good with that.
  14. Luckily for Texas this year isn’t filled with a bunch of heavyweight contenders overall. I would have Washington as one, Oregon if they beat the Huskies and then perhaps Michigan. The rest is wide open.
  15. It’s just absolutely unreal how we are in the year 2023 and people like this not only exist, but make decisions based on a blatant misuse of power based on misinterpretations of faith. Good on you for learning about other people and cultures while enduring what I am sure needed to have been followed up by some mess around and find out moments of those people you watched who made crazy decisions.
  16. Organized Christianity in many parts of this country has turned into a religion of hate and oppression. I want these people to face some actual oppression in their own lives. For this clown it should be the loss of his job and then being forced to live in The Bronx for the rest of his life where he will encounter loud unChristian-like music 24/7 and plenty of spontaneous twerking.
  17. That is such a fun zoo to get to go to. I love to see the birds there. Each borough does a great job with the bird part of their zoo location. I am glad you were able to take your granddaughter there!
  18. Oh gosh that coffee had something extra in it. I remember meeting a family that was on vacation last summer and they had Russian accents. I asked them where they were from and told me they lived in California. I told them it was okay to say they were originally from Russia once I mentioned the accent of the parents (Kids definitely have never been raised there). They were just so embarrassed to admit to anything even remotely Russian because of Ukraine.
  19. Am I to believe that a man who is barely ever seen in public, almost never gives an interview and has only a very small social media presence going to be freely chatting with someone worth billions more than himself? Put it on the fake news stack.
  20. After how the US was abused in the front court I would say yes on four bigs.
  21. One of my best friend’s oldest daughter is Ashleigh Williams. I believe she scored the first goal for Tech (#37). She is just like her father as a competitor. Her dad played at a small college for football, but he played in semi-pro leagues in Dallas until he was 41. I know it sucks she beat Texas, but I am happy for my friend and his daughter.
  22. Run some ads saying this next year because why the heck not.
  23. Every bit helps and I am glad for those receiving aid with their student loans this time around. I think what I hope changes is seeing a mindset of being glad to see others getting a lifeline here instead of people being angry that it is not their loans being forgiven. I mean I could’ve used that original 10k, but the GQP happened so that was off the table. Seeing multiple efforts put forth to give help with what is often crippling debt is cool with me.
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