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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. Anytime I need a good reminder of what finding out looks like I can check in here and see how the Russians are doing. The IJN in WWII did less finding out than these clowns.
  2. There are some days where I feel out of sorts and today felt like one of those days. I went to the store and while I was in there an older gentleman was buying a rotisserie chicken. He started to talk to me and I just listen as he tells me how he will cut it up and put it in some airtight containers to eat during the week. I could’ve just politely went on my way, but in my life I have learned to just stop and talk with older folks because often they want to chat because they may live home alone and this is their way to stay in contact with the world around them. We talked for at least a good 5-10 minutes. I shared a few short stories with him and he shared some interesting stories with me. I believe daily interactions like this are both important, but also fun because I am learning about someone else’s walk through this life. I am glad I have always had the patience to stop and want to listen to folks. A random meeting like that in the store was cool to me and it makes my day better and hopefully his as well.
  3. Probably because Caitlin Clark would be a better QB than the guy taking them back to the days when the forward pass was still just a theory.
  4. Should they? Absolutely. Former players have been pretty adamant that he is mostly despised and to use the nicest term he is not a coach anyone wants to have. By any objective measure his offense is a complete failure and an embarrassment to football. Doc Blanchard would even be laughing at this stuff if he were around. Will they fire him? Probably not, because, nepotism is one heckuva drug.
  5. I am watching this as well right now. I am on the first episode. It’s pretty good from what I have seen so far.
  6. Just saw The Royal Hotel. It has Julia Garner from Ozark in it. This is a really good movie. I had zero expectations about what I was going to see, but this was a very enjoyable film. It was filmed in the very small town of Yatina, Australia, which is north of Adelaide if that helps with the location. I saw so many characters in there that remind me of people from my travels. I would definitely recommend this movie. Garner’s character definitely had some fight in her.
  7. Talked to my mom this afternoon and she told me her doctor is taking her off her medication for three months! She was so excited about that. I hope it’s permanent, but three months is great and she deserves a break. The little things really mean so much in our lives. This is pretty cool.
  8. Will Kyrie Irving be in the follow-up to this? If so I’m in. He has the intellect of someone that’s been repeatedly concussed when he’s talking. It’s easy to see how he gets pulled into the conspiracy vortex.
  9. I loved reading this book. James Hornfischer did a masterful job painting a picture of what that battle was for those men. It was absolute hell on those waters near Savo Sound. It’s a shame cancer took Hornfischer two years ago. I believe he was living in Austin and had two degrees from UT as well. He had so much more to write and was just exceptionally good at writing. I will shortly be reading another book of his. I am including a picture of a small passage in this book. The humanity shown by the Japanese sailor is something I think we should all take to heart. Even in the absolute worst circumstance this man ever found himself in at that point he did what was best regardless of who they were. The final two pages are also a hard read.
  10. Oh there’s a definition. Craven greed, no adherence to anything within the Constitution and last but not least make everyone hurt economically that cannot fight back. That’s the definition of the party and anyone choosing to vote for that is a pretty sad human being because you are willingly hurting fellow Americans.
  11. I have no idea exactly how this latest act in their never ending war with each other goes other than a whole bunch of people are going to die. Many of them will be children solely because so much of the Palestinian population is so young. That is the worst part to me. Children who are in the infancy of their life will die. Many will be Palestinian children, but we have already read about scores of Israeli children that have perished in this latest flare-up. The deaths of the children just really stick with me. We all get just one chance at life and for so many to end before they have experienced much of anything is so incredibly sad.
  12. You know if they’d just scrap that newfangled offense of theirs and install RC’s patented Gulf Coast Offense they’d be back to putting up their usual 41 points in no time.
  13. My mom goes back on Thursday to see if she can be taken off her medication. It causes her some severe issues if she gets in the sun for too long and it contributes to issues she can have with going to the bathroom. She has chronic myeloid leukemia and while her medication has kept her around I am hoping she can at least get a break from it for a few months. She has had this cancer now for five years I believe and before that in 2014 she overcame being diagnosed with stage three non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She also had a small bit of what the doctor believed to be skin cancer on her cheek that she had removed in between having the other two cancers. My mother is the toughest human being I know and I would like her to fullly be able to enjoy the two grandchildren she has under her roof. She’ turned 74 last month so a 4 year old and 18 month are a lot for her, but she loves every minute with them. Just hoping for some good news for her, but if she has to stay on her meds then so be it. I have many more baseball games to take her to and I hope she can go to one game with her grandkids even if it’s the Astros or Rangers since those are closest to her.
  14. This guy is definitely in Gritty’s crosshairs now. His finding out is going to be a fireworks-filled spectacular. You know there are going to be more people come forward with more stories of fraud he has committed as well as more odd lies like being on a college volleyball team. This guy is stunningly brazen in his ignorance.
  15. The country run by soulless mongrels is absolutely responsible for this. If they did not have nukes they would not exist in any meaningful form right now. I suspect when the history of this current time is written that many acts like this will all be put together as the reason there wound up being a larger war outside of just Ukraine. You cannot reason with people who act like time stopped about three or four centuries ago. Despots will keep on pushing your buttons until you bully them back. It is the only language they understand.
  16. It’s such a good read. One of the passages was from before the war talking about a Japanese man who told an American that, and I’m paraphrasing this as best I can from memory, “The Americans treat dealing with us Japanese like we are adults when we are in fact like children.” The idea being conveyed was that the US understood western-style diplomacy, but the Japanese did not. This book really underscores the diplomacy issues each faced just trying to understand the customs of each other, not counting how Japan really was not up to speed on how to conduct modern diplomacy. Several parts did read like something happening within the confines of a kindergarten class. So interesting to read the entirety of this book.
  17. I think it is fair to say that there probably are some Russian operatives on the ground that helped train them.
  18. Gritty is really backed up at the moment on handing out finding out punishment. Give Gritty some time to do its thing.
  19. I would hope not. I fear for a whole bunch of civilians that are going to die in this war as well as the spread of a war to neighboring areas which, obviously, would not be a good thing. I think Hamas probably ceases to exist as a functioning organization though after the IDF is done with them.
  20. Well you see we have a lot of guys who are experts in everything. If they don’t let you know their expert opinion how can you know what the right thing to do is?
  21. I am not going to go back and forth with you on this. You believe what you believe and that’s it.
  22. Absolutely. The men are dominant theme in their construct of society is both extremely outdated as well as harmful to society as a whole because of the actions it leads to them taking in the name of God. The distortion of what is written and what actually occurs through the actions of these religious terrorists is astounding.
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