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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. I’d like to hope Levis isn’t beating up teenagers and brandishing guns near them. I try to keep an even keel with most everyone and realize we all mess up, but Morant crossed a threshold with beating up a kid and then showing up to threaten people at a shoe store among the rest of the things he did.
  2. It’s been so long since the Knicks have been in this position that I would think you might want to monetize them as much as possible to your TV audience. It definitely should have been an afternoon start. I feel like a lot of the playoff games back in the 90’s were early starts for them, but I could be remembering it wrong.
  3. I think you will really enjoy it. The movie dives right into things and they don’t hold back, at all, on the fight scenes.
  4. If you have a high school aged boy might wanna keep them away from Morant for awhile. This humiliation could not happen to a better guy.
  5. I should have posted this trailer for anyone who has not seen it yet. Several of my friends want to see this movie so I am probably going back again. Totally worth another viewing.
  6. SISU. Go watch this movie. That was an awesome experience. Whole bunch of Nazis getting roasted by a one man Finnish killing machine.
  7. I would argue that she already looks like that. I am not one to really critique people that often for how they look, but those narrow eyes combined with a face only a quarter horse could love, as well as throwing in the intellectual capability of a clown on acid, makes her less attractive than Mamma.
  8. I had not seen his show in years, but we used to put it on in high school when the government teacher would leave the room. I lived in Stamford, CT for a year and was a 10 minute walk from where they filmed his show, Steve Wilkos and Maury at. I should have gotten a ticket to see him at least once.
  9. These people…These people are the ones who absolutely disgust me and I find myself adamantly opposed to. That is some blatant false teaching going on there and all while invoking Christ’s name. Christ would have ZERO to do with people like that. The next logical step an insane human being like that takes is not only wanting to have control of everything and everyone, but to also persecute non-believers in every way possible. That is some storefront window Christo-fascism. There are other countries with different belief systems that do this to the lesser-thans in their country and it is no more right. Human beings are taught to hate the world over and religion is an easy way to infuse hatred and we are better than others when you hear stuff like that.
  10. That was a great read! Thanks for posting it. It was cool to see how automobiles can bring people together despite their differences in political beliefs.
  11. From an article in SI about his friendship with Gasol. I think he was the only active player to make it to the jersey retirement. I think the persona of him being a jerk is overblown. He has a low tolerance for guys who don’t care about winning seems to be more what irks him.
  12. I think there is vindication on the level of disgust Butler had for his teammates in Minnesota. He was driven by winning and he had a team that was an absolute clownshow around him. The 76ers should have kept him. That was a colossal screw-up letting him go. I said this in 2020, but Butler found an organization driven to win and one where he has guys around him that play the same way he does. Having Pat Riley running your organization should have been a big clue he’d fit in there. Very few superstars wind up in a perfect situation, but Butler found that with Miami.
  13. Most hard-nosed and completely likable player in the NBA. To come from being ranked the 73rd best player in Texas to being the player he is today is just incredible. If you could give me just one guy in the east to build a playoff team around he is that guy. I felt that way about him three years ago and nothing has changed there. If Butler had been able to stay in Philly the 76ers would be the best team in the conference.
  14. Desantis is more thin-skinned than Dotard, Junior, Michael Jordan and Aaron Rodgers put together.
  15. This post is not getting enough love.
  16. I went to a basketball camp when I was 8 or so and learned proper form and whatnot. I was fascinated with being able to shoot a three-pointer. I remember hitting my first two attempts in the 5th grade in a game because we were losing and no one else was hitting anything so I figure why not? I used to sit in the gym for hours in my 20’s and very early 30’s just shooting because I enjoyed it. I could have done it then, but it would have taken awhile to pull off. I remember one time as a teenager lining it up from one of the volleyball lines and hitting 12 in a row. I had someone passing the ball back to me though so I wasn’t wasting time chasing the ball and losing rhythm. Now after years of not playing I’d be lucky to hit the broadside of a barn. Too much muscle mass lost and it’s just not easy to pull off unless you want to tactics for hours upon hours week after week.
  17. I completely understand this. I think that what was once done in the dark is now done in broad daylight and put right in the storefront window in too many “Houses of God.” If a church is espousing things that run contrary to what the New Testament actually says, it’s a good bet you should stay far away from that place. Seeing what “Christians” will do in God’s name to inflict emotional or physical pain on those they deem to be lesser-thans is an absolute horror show. We get one life and people choose to waste it inflicting pain on others to make themselves feel better. I also think the most well-adjusted and happy person I have ever crossed paths with was a man I worked with pre-Covid named Mohammed. He was an African man of the Islamic faith from Gambia if memory serves correct. He was in his late 50’s and was a cook and I asked him how he was always so happy and he said to me “What do I have to be unhappy about? God is good to me.” That moment has stuck with me for the simplicity and poignancy of how he said it. More of us need to be like that man whether we are religious or not.
  18. I have a friend here that is a really nice guy. I remember him mentioning he likes listening to Osteen. I kinda smiled and said “Well I suppose he is a good motivational speaker.” The Osteens of the world were here before him and they’ll be here after he is done using Jesus to grift his way to millions more. I have met one mega church pastor in Stephen Furtick. I have said here that I thought he came across as a normal guy and we had a pleasant conversation for about 15 minutes. He may one day turn out to be a horror show of a human being, but that’s up to him. All the wars fought in the last two millennia that were done in the name of Jesus were exactly as you describe them. People are prideful and greedy and enough is never good enough. I have said this to many people over the years, but if Jesus came back tomorrow and attempted to enter a Christian church they’d likely turn him away because of how he looked, smelled or was dressed. The mission of Christianity has been lost on a lot of folks. Not all, but when the number is in the millions you have an issue that is not going away in any of our lifetimes.
  19. Probably will never retire honestly, but that doesn’t upset me. I have a plan for what I hope to accomplish though, but I gotta take care of myself mentally to do any of it.
  20. There are places I want to visit in Montana, but when I read about what they are doing to the trans representative and not even allowing her to speak, well, I will just not go there. My God what a bunch of backwards ghouls picking on a small group of people just to score some political points. A lot of our fellow citizens really do not deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. Montana is what religious fundamentalists look like. These are mentally broken, deranged and unwell people.
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