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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. I just read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. If you think the Nazi comparisons are over the top, I suggest you read/listen to it. If I wasn't already concerned, which I was, that took it to another level. The similarities are pretty hard to ignore.
  2. Years ago when I first started in IT our help desk was 3 people in a room in the basement of the hospital where I worked. Two of them had their desks back to back so they were facing each other. The one was the team lead and she's still a friend of mine. Really great person. The other was a big black dude who is also still a friend, who played football and basketball at Copperas Cove and had both Hal Mumme and Billy Gillespie as his coaches. Anyway one day he switched the connections so his keyboard was attached to her computer. She gets a call and starts typing away and he's over there just typing gibberish very quietly. I happen to walk in about 2 minutes in while she's saying things like "what is wrong with my keyboard" etc. She's starting to get really annoyed and he starts typing stuff like "stop touching me" and "why won't you leave me alone?" and she's starting to freak out a little. Finally he can't stand it anymore and starts laughing and she realizes what's going on. Very professionally she asks the customer to hold while she restarts her PC and then she calls him an asshole and we all, including her, start laughing like 10 year olds. It was a good 5 minutes before she could get back on that call. Once she got off the call she tells us she was genuinely concerned that her PC was possessed or something. I still laugh thinking about it.
  3. Thanks. That sucks, but I suppose it makes sense.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but whatever the plaintiffs get out of this would only count towards the full judgment right? The bankruptcy doesn't discharge the judgement right? So if he started a new grift, couldn't they just keep taking his money?
  5. My wife (no pics) is on a team that that does accounting for the research arm and half of her team is not in Austin. Let's say there was not good communication on this. Her boss didn't know until the letter was sent out.
  6. Speaking of room temperature IQs, why y'all keep quoting Crispy? You're defeating my ignore.
  7. Love the setting. Really captured the feeling of the time when the wall came down. One of my favs. Charlize is perfect.
  8. I don't know if they can file a protest on this, but I would if I could. That is, by far, the worst call I've seen in years and that's saying something. Ump show.
  9. To me this highlights one of "AI"s biggest failings. Will it ever understand parody, satire, sarcasm, etc? Seems like 90% of the content on the internet is people making funny (to them) comments and absurdities for humor or whatever. AI in it's current state is just an information collator that doesn't even understand the information it's using. People say it will get better, but I just don't see it. It's basically an autistic person with unlimited memory. It can regurgitate but will never understand enough of the subtlety of human thought and communication to be in any way useful as a tool except in very limited circumstances.
  10. I got one of those umpiring slow pitch softball of all things. Ball bounced of the packed ground and straight up. I was wearing a cup, but when it comes from below like that it doesn't protect very well. I sympathize.
  11. My favorite one was when they were talking to Mookie Betts during a spring training game his first year with the Dodgers. Ball smoked down the right field line as they pause for the pitch. Mookie: "Uh oh! Not gonna get that one!"
  12. Make sure you stay for the credits. You won't be disappointed.
  13. Ditto. Captured the spirit of the TV show perfectly and it's fucking hilarious. The stunts are fantastic. Really fun movie.
  14. Y'all don't have Make em eat taco bell on ignore? I'm sorry for you. Wrong but never in doubt is his MO.
  15. My Dad could have written this. His loathing of horses from my Mom having a couple is unbounded. He said they violate his brain/body size ratio.
  16. I enjoyed the movie. Highly fictionalized might be an understatement. On the actual Operation Postmaster, there were, in fact, no Nazis, no uboats, and no explosions. It was actually just a well executed cutting out of the freighter and the tugs. It did demonstrate the effectiveness of the SOE and SSRF in conducting raids to stymie the German war effort. It's a lot more fun to see a bunch of Nazis slaughtered though.
  17. The Sometimes islands are just the highest points on a big ass stone ridge that was the right bank of the river before it was dammed. It might make that area of the lake more navigable but to clear any significant amount of material would involve blasting a shit ton of rock once you got down a little ways. You should look at the topographical map of the lake and you'll see what I mean.
  18. Do people talk to each other any more? How about "Excuse me, your hair is blocking my TV." Maybe she did that and was ignored but I doubt it. I see it all the time. Clueless person does something clueless. Other person fumes and/or acts out. In my experience most times the person will respond positively to a simple request.
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