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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. Same. I have never decided to watch or not watch a game based on the announcer. I've muted plenty of them, but not turned them off. Plus, does anyone really think Brady will be a good announcer? He doesn't come across as entertaining or personable at all.
  2. I know a guy who can get you a good deal on tailored jerseys. How comfortable are you with selling meth?
  3. I was at that game. The PMAC was louder than I've ever heard it in the first half. Not so much the second half.
  4. CSB: In high school, I was friends with the Bubba and Boudreauxs owner's son. I had forgotten all about him and that place.
  5. I would argue she has actually gotten better looking as she's aged. Mary Steenburgen is the same way.
  6. This is my tennis ball. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My tennis ball is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my tennis ball is useless. Without my tennis ball, I am useless.
  7. Agreed, until I was in Sacramento and heard about people making daily commutes to the Bay Area. I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke and then realized that, holy shit, that actually happens.
  8. OK, I think you're missing the theme of this thread. We're making fun of the OP for posting something that everyone already knew. There are still some idiots out there who think Elvis is dead and not living on a moon colony with Nazis. Or, morons, as I like to call them.
  9. It wasn't that long ago. Harris was at UT right after I graduated and... oh shit, I'm old. Oh no, friend, quite a few more.
  10. But wait until you discover how many languages Sydmil Harris knows.
  11. Mansur's or Juban's for a nicer restaurant. The Chimes for good bar food.
  12. What a sucker. Thanks to Austin Energy, I got a free, three-day darkness retreat last week and I didn't even have to leave my house!
  13. I wouldn't sit in those seats if they were free. Maybe if they tossed in some free popcorn or beer.
  14. The thing that comes on after football. Except on the West Coast.
  15. Lying about everything big and small? Check. Hypocrite on matters of sexuality? Check. Serial harasser? Check. I figured this guy was going to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2036, 2032 at the earliest, but he is shooting right up the ladder. 2024 is in his sights.
  16. I'm worried that your wife has said, "It's OK, sweetie, size doesn't matter" so much, that she's actually starting to believe it.
  17. Got power back in the middle of the night in 78727.
  18. The scary thing is the lights that are not even flashing red, just out. There's two on Parmer near Mopac. If you didn't know the lights were there you would fly right through them, because you can't see them in the dark.
  19. Still no power in the '27 (Duval and Mopac). Most of my neighborhood has power, except for a couple of blocks around my house. Ironically, we were the only blocks that didn't lose power in 2021. So since this outage only impacts a small section of houses, I'm getting worried that we are proper fucked.
  20. I'll give Hamster the benefit of the doubt and assume he was not talking about the culture of gang rape. He was probably talking about the culture of cat torture.
  21. Yep. And turns the plate when he sets it down. He did that for the first and last meal.
  22. Speaking of, any thoughts on school in the Austin area for Thursday? The morning is looking real dicey, so I'm assuming a two-hour delay at minimum.
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