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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. I'll miss his random abbreviations, odd spelling of words, and dumbass asides in his posts that made them unreadable. No, wait, I won't miss that at all.
  2. Middle Tenn St won while gaining a whopping -66 yards on the ground. How in the fuck does that happen?
  3. So you're in favor of going 10 miles over the speed limit if your wife is in labor and you're trying to rush her to the hospital? If so then you can't complain when someone goes 80 down a neighborhood street. I'm opposed to speeding when anybody does it.
  4. It sounds like you're just looking for rich neighborhoods. Are you one of the Wet Bandits? Because if you are, you have to tell us.
  5. I binged the series this week. I thought season 2 was already done and then I find out that the finale hasn't been released yet. Fucking twats! I was excited to see Olivia Cooke in the first couple of episodes. She makes me feel funny feelings in my pants. But this show is fantastic. Great tension and action with some fantastic humor to boot.
  6. You might want to consult a calendar, chief.
  7. Hold on now. "Working hard or hardly working?" has been an important part of my dad joke repertoire since I became a dad. I learned it from my father, who learned it from his, and woe to the man who tries to take that joke from the TheBayou family legacy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make fun of some small children who say "can" when they should have said "may".
  8. Don't forget the racism. They've got a lot of racism.
  9. Correct. And the journalists whose accounts were suspended were reporting on the fact that the elonjet was banned. He is this fucking stupid.
  10. Wait, that little fucker is back again? Why?!?
  11. A blind man is going to walk in there and think he's in a whorehouse.
  12. Yep. She is my amazing, intelligent, kind, beautiful wife who I absolutely adore. *looks around* Is she still on this thread?
  13. Well, shit. I don't follow PNG football, but my wife made it sound like this was an unexpected run to the final.
  14. Keep me updated. My wife is a PNG alum and is at the game with her family.
  15. I like that the NCAA consolidated all the bowl games into one day this year. I guess this is all over. Thanks for playing everyone! Go ahead and ship me my money when you get a chance.
  16. I would hope that all local games will be in front of the paywall. Kinda like the NFL does where if a game is on cable, it'll be shown OTA in the two home markets. I'm fine with watching Austin FC games on Apple. I'm not fine with having to pay for every MLS game when all I want to watch is Austin and I live three miles from the stadium.
  17. It wouldn't be that tough. You'd have an extra pair of hands to help you.
  18. I'll take "Things Heard at @South Austin's Mom's Place" for $600, Alex.
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